Coffee Creations Pairing With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers

Ah, Thanksgiving lunch is done, and now it is dinner time! A time when your fridge is brimming with an abundance of leftovers, each container promising a replay of the earlier time of eating a touch too much. But wait, what’s missing in this delicious picture of leftover delight? The perfect cup of coffee, of course. The right coffee can elevate your leftover turkey sandwich into a gourmet experience, transform a simple slice of pie into a café-worthy dessert, and turn a quiet evening of indulging in leftovers into a cozy, culinary adventure. Here are some coffee drink thoughts that would pair nicely with the leftovers of your choice:

First, the usual staples of the Americano, Mocha, Cappuccino, Espresso, Vanilla Latte shouldn’t just be forgotten, they are all easy and quick to make. The more specialized seasonal drinks that will kick up the plate of leftovers are fun as well, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Gingerbread Latte, Caramel Macchiato, and Vanilla Latte too.

For taking it to the next level, here are a group of coffee treats that are sure to step outside of the normal list:

Spiced Orange Mocha: Add a twist to the classic mocha by infusing it with orange zest and a pinch of holiday spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. This coffee drink can complement the richness of turkey and stuffing beautifully.

Cardamom Latte: Infuse your latte with cardamom, a spice that adds a unique, aromatic flavor. Check, you may be surprised you have Cardamon amongst your spices. It’s a delightful match for the spiced and herby flavors in Thanksgiving dishes.

Hazelnut Cappuccino: The nutty flavor of hazelnut in a frothy cappuccino can provide a delightful contrast to the rich and savory flavors of traditional Thanksgiving meals.

Salted Caramel Affogato: If your waiting to drink coffee with dessert, try an affogato with salted caramel ice cream. Pour a shot of hot espresso over the ice cream for a sweet and slightly salty treat.

Apple Pie Latte: Infuse your latte with apple pie spices and a hint of apple or caramel syrup. This drink would be a perfect match for the warm, comforting flavors of Thanksgiving desserts. Yes, I have used a dab of the apple pie filling, but the ratio can be get right on the first try since different pies can have very different taste intensities.

Maple Bourbon Coffee: I needed to get at least one alcohol coffee on the list. Combine hot coffee with a splash of bourbon and maple syrup for a warming and slightly sweet drink. This pairs exceptionally well with the savory and hearty flavors of Thanksgiving dishes.

You can find one that you make with the same ingredients every time if they are regular spices, but you may find you need to tune each year if you use things from the leftovers to find the right taste and sweetness.

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Warming Up to the Idea: The Pros & Cons of Reheating Coffee

“I got busy” so my hot coffee on my desk cooled. Reheating coffee largely hinges on personal preference, but there are several factors concerning flavor, health, and convenience that are worth considering.

On the positive side, reheating coffee is a convenient choice, especially when pressed for time. It’s a quick solution to enjoy a warm cup without the wait of brewing a fresh pot, especially if working and time is short between meetings. Moreover, reheating coffee can contribute to reducing waste. Instead of discarding cold coffee, giving it a quick reheat can be a more sustainable choice. This is also a cost-efficient option as it’s more economical to reheat coffee than to brew a new batch.

Or course, there are downsides to this practice. One drawback is the negative impact on flavor. Coffee is known for its vibrant and robust flavor when fresh, but its flavor compounds begin to break down over time. Reheating coffee can expedite this degradation, leading to a bitter or stale taste. The acidity of coffee can also change as it cools and reheats, which might not appeal to some palates.

Healthwise, while not a significant issue, reheating coffee can result in a slight loss of antioxidants which are beneficial for health. Not a reason to drink coffee, but that is a feature of coffee lost. As meetings go long, if coffee has been left out for an extended period, it is worth mentioning that repeatedly reheating it might lead to the growth of certain bacteria which could be harmful.

There’s also a concern about possible chemical leaching if you’re reheating coffee in a plastic container instead of a ceramic mug. Especially if the plastic is not marked as microwave-safe, chemicals from the plastic could leach into the coffee during the reheating process.

As for the methods to reheat coffee, there are a few options. Using a microwave is a common method. Simply pour the coffee into a microwave-safe mug and heat it in 30-second intervals, stirring in between until it reaches your desired temperature. Alternatively, you can use the stovetop by pouring the coffee into a pot and heating it over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until it’s hot. It’s crucial not to bring it to a boil as that will degrade the flavor further. If you have an electric kettle with temperature control, that’s another viable option. This method is less likely to result in overheated or burnt coffee compared to the microwave or stovetop but can take more time than you have and is getting close to the time it takes to make a new pot.

Reheating coffee is a practical solution to save on time and reduce waste, the key is to do so gently to minimize flavor loss. Some coffee connoisseurs might advise against reheating coffee to preserve its flavor. They might suggest brewing a fresh pot or exploring other coffee warming options like thermal coffee carafes or a smart warm mug like an Ember as better alternatives.

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Jazz Up Your Java: Keurig Tips and Tricks

The Keurig coffee maker, a staple in many households and offices, is celebrated for its convenience and diversity. This ingenious machine is capable of more than just brewing a standard cup of coffee; with a little imagination and know-how, it can become your personalized barista station. This adaptability allows you to craft a variety of coffee-based beverages from the comfort of your home or office, saving you the daily trip to the local café.

The range of beverages you can create with your Keurig extends well beyond a simple black coffee. Whether you’re in the mood for a strong, frothy latte, a cool iced coffee for a hot day, or even a rich, spicy flavored coffee, your Keurig is up to the task. What’s more, you’re not limited to the standard K-Cup pods available in stores; by using a reusable filter, you can choose any coffee grounds you like, giving you complete freedom over your cup of joe.

Despite its ease of use, there’s more to the Keurig than meets the eye. Proper maintenance and cleaning are key to a well-functioning machine and optimal tasting coffee. Furthermore, learning to adjust various parameters, such as water quality, brewing size, and cup pre-heating, can enhance your coffee’s flavor significantly.

In the following sections, we will delve into some helpful tips and tricks that can elevate your Keurig coffee-making experience. These range from cleaning and maintenance tips to enhance your coffee’s taste, to creative tricks for expanding your beverage repertoire. So, whether you’re a novice Keurig user or an experienced coffee aficionado, there’s something here for everyone looking to make the most out of their Keurig coffee maker.

Cleaning Your Machine: Over time, coffee residue and mineral deposits can build up in your machine, which can affect the taste of your coffee. To clean your Keurig, you should descale it every three to six months. This process involves running a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water through the machine, followed by several cycles of plain water to rinse it out. It’s also a good idea to wipe down the exterior regularly and clean the K-Cup holder to remove any coffee grounds that may have spilled. We have found that bottled water seems to slow the build up process, the added chemicals in tap water seems to leave a bit of things behind in the tubes and the water container.

Water Quality: The water you use can greatly affect the taste of your coffee. Hard water can cause mineral buildup in your machine, and some tap water has a strong taste that can affect your coffee. Using filtered or bottled water can result in a cleaner, better tasting cup of coffee. Our tap water in Texas through a Keurig always had a rust flavor so we had to go to bottled water. California has been less of a taste problem.

Pre-Heating Your Cup: This tip is all about maintaining the optimal temperature for your coffee. If you pour hot coffee into a cold cup, it will cool down more quickly. Running a brew cycle without a K-Cup heats the cup and keeps your coffee hot longer. This seems to work particularly well when making tea.

Iced Coffee: A simple trick to make iced coffee without it being watered down: Freeze coffee in ice cube trays and use these coffee ice cubes in your drink. Brew the coffee as usual, but select the smallest cup size for a stronger brew. Pour the coffee over the ice cubes and add any sweeteners or creamers you like.

Making Lattes and Cappuccinos: You can froth the milk using an electric frother, or if you don’t have one, shake the milk in a sealed jar for about a minute, then heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Be sure to watch it to make sure it doesn’t overflow! There are handheld frothing devices that work very well too. And, if you have the room, there are options that control the milk temp and more.

Using Your Own Coffee: With a reusable K-Cup filter, you can use any type of coffee you like, rather than being limited to the K-Cups available on the market. This gives you the chance to support local roasters, try specialty coffees, or use a specific blend you love. Cleaning that little cup is easy due to not many grounds but still you need to clean all of those grounds out.

Flavored Coffee: Adding spices to your coffee grounds can be a fun way to mix up your morning cup. Start with a pinch of the spice and adjust to taste. Flavored syrups are a quick and easy solution, you will want to play with quantities to hit the flavor your expecting.

Hot Chocolate and Tea: Keurigs are not just for coffee! They can dispense hot water for tea, hot chocolate, or even instant noodles. Keep in mind, however, that using the same machine for coffee and other drinks can sometimes lead to flavor crossover. We just use the hot water feature for hot chocolate and tea rather than specialized k-cups.

Tweaking the Brew Size: If your coffee tastes too weak or too strong, try adjusting the brew size. Brewing a smaller cup will result in a stronger cup of coffee, while a larger cup will be weaker.

Of course, there is a huge variety of k-cups from different popular coffee brands as well they may offer different bean choices. Keurig has many variety packs, which might be helpful rather than buying a box of a flavor to find you don’t like the k-cup version as much as that brand’s beans in your drip coffee maker.

Remember, the key to a great cup of coffee is often experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try different things until you find what you love. Happy brewing.

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Spice Up Your Cup: Exploring Mexican Coffee Traditions

When we talk about Mexican coffee, we might be referring to two distinct concepts. The first one is simply the coffee beans that are grown in Mexico. Mexico has a significant coffee industry, and it is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. The coffee-growing regions are mainly located in the South of the country, in places like Chiapas, Veracruz, and Puebla. Each region’s specific microclimate contributes to the unique flavors and characteristics of the coffee produced there. Generally, Mexican coffee beans are known for their light to medium body with mild acidity, often featuring a smooth, well-balanced taste with nutty, chocolatey, or fruity notes.

The second concept of Mexican coffee refers to a specific way of preparing coffee known as “Café de Olla”. This is a traditional beverage that has been part of Mexican culture for centuries, originating during the Mexican Revolution. It is unique not just because of its ingredients but also due to the traditional method of preparation. The coffee is brewed in an earthen clay pot, which is believed to impart a distinctive flavor to the brew. The coffee is typically prepared with cinnamon and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar), and sometimes other spices or ingredients like orange peel or anise are added. This method produces a warm, comforting brew that is much more than just coffee — it’s a rich, sweet, and spicy drink that is deeply intertwined with Mexican heritage.

Flavor Profile: Mexican coffee beans, particularly those from regions like Chiapas or Veracruz, are generally known for their light to medium body with mild acidity, often featuring nutty, chocolatey, or fruity notes. They’re typically well-balanced and smooth.

Café de Olla: This is a traditional Mexican method of preparing coffee. It’s unique because of its preparation in a clay pot, which is said to add a unique flavor to the coffee, and the addition of spices like cinnamon and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar), which give the coffee a sweet and spicy kick.

Here’s a basic recipe for Café de Olla that you can try at home:


  • 4 cups of water
  • 3-4 tablespoons of ground coffee (preferably Mexican)
  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks
  • 3-4 ounces of piloncillo or 1/2 cup of dark brown sugar as a substitute
  • Optional: a few cloves, star anise, or orange peel


  1. Add water, cinnamon sticks, and piloncillo (or brown sugar) to a pot. Bring to a boil and then simmer until the sugar has dissolved completely.
  2. Add your ground coffee to the pot and stir.
  3. Remove the pot from heat and let the coffee steep for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the coffee through a strainer or a coffee filter to separate the grounds and the cinnamon sticks.
  5. Serve the coffee hot and enjoy!

Remember, the specific ratio of coffee, sugar, and spices can be adjusted to your personal preference. Enjoy experimenting with this unique coffee preparation!

Please note that even though the recipe suggests using a regular pot, traditionally Café de Olla is made in a clay pot, as it is believed to give the coffee a special flavor. If you have access to a clay pot and are interested in making it the traditional way, you certainly can. However, even without the clay pot, you’ll still get a deliciously unique cup of coffee.


Plant Power in Your Coffee: Milk Alternatives to Buy or Make

These are non-dairy beverages made from a variety of plant foods including nuts, seeds, legumes, and cereals. Some of the most popular plant-based milks include almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, oat milk, and coconut milk. These alternatives have grown in popularity for a variety of reasons, including dietary restrictions, allergies, lactose intolerance, veganism, and environmental sustainability concerns.

These milk alternatives can be purchased pre-made at most grocery stores, and many coffee shops now offer them as an option for their beverages. They are also used in cooking and baking as a substitute for dairy milk.

Making plant-based milk at home is also possible and quite straightforward for many types. For example, to make almond milk, you would soak almonds in water overnight, then blend the mixture and strain it to remove the solids. Homemade plant-based milk allows you to control the ingredients and avoid preservatives and additives often found in store-bought versions.

As for popularity, plant-based milk alternatives have seen significant growth in recent years. For instance, in the United States, sales of oat milk alone surged by over 300% in 2020, making it the second most popular plant-based milk after almond milk. Consumers are increasingly choosing these alternatives for their health benefits, environmental footprint, and dietary needs.

When it comes to storage, plant-based milks do have some differences from traditional cow’s milk. Many store-bought plant-based milks are shelf-stable until opened, meaning they can be stored at room temperature unopened but should be refrigerated after opening. However, they generally have a longer refrigerator shelf life than dairy milk. Homemade plant-based milks typically last about 3-5 days in the fridge and should be shaken before use as separation can occur.

It’s important to always check the best before date on store-bought plant-based milk and to smell and taste it before use if it’s been in your fridge for a while. Discard it if it smells or tastes off. As with any food product, the key to safe consumption is proper storage and attention to freshness.

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