Cool Off with DIY Coffee Popsicles: Fun Flavors and Tips

When the summer heat hits, as a kid, mom made us cool aide popsicles. Home made was less sticky and thus less times we got in trouble over the store bought versions. Remembering that nothing is more refreshing than a frozen treat on a very hot summer day, could I rethink the cool aide part? 

My thinking is that coffee popsicles are the perfect way to enjoy my favorite drink while keeping cool. Easy to make and customizable, the popsicles could be tailored to suit any coffee lover’s taste. Here’s a guide to making delicious coffee popsicles at home, with some exciting flavor enhancement options I found both online and at a recent visit to the bookstore.

Basic Coffee Popsicle Recipe (ice cubes would be fun too)


  • 2 cups of brewed coffee (cooled to room temperature)
  • 1 cup of milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1/4 cup of sugar or sweetener of your choice
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Mix and freeze:

  1. Brew your favorite coffee and let it cool to room temperature.
  2. In a bowl, combine the coffee, milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  3. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds, leaving a little space at the top for expansion. There is classic and fun shape options available these days. Perhaps I need to explore more to make them a fun treat with friends.
  4. Insert popsicle sticks and freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until solid.

Flavor ‘Enhancer’ Options 

A few flavor options I’m trying, so far they are tasking as I expected but I assume some will look and sound better than they taste due to how frozen liquids can change them a bit.

1. Mocha Popsicles:

  • Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the basic mixture.
  • Swirl in some chocolate syrup before freezing for an extra chocolaty touch.
    • My test of this one, I added the chocolate to milk for what I thought would be more of a mocha ice cream effect. It didn’t freeze evenly, I may try playing more with the percents of milk/chocolate.

2. Caramel Macchiato Popsicles:

  • Drizzle caramel sauce into the molds before adding the mixture.
  • Add a teaspoon of caramel extract to the base recipe.
    • I highly recommend this one!

3. Vanilla Latte Popsicles:

  • Increase the vanilla extract to 2 teaspoons.
  • Add a splash of vanilla syrup to the coffee mixture.

4. Coconut Coffee Popsicles:

  • Substitute regular milk with coconut milk.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of coconut extract for a tropical twist.
    • I’m not a fan of coconut milk but family members like it. I was going to also try coconut water.

5. Hazelnut Coffee Popsicles:

  • Add 2 tablespoons of hazelnut syrup or hazelnut-flavored coffee creamer to the mixture.
  • Top with crushed hazelnuts before freezing.

Layered Popsicles – More work, great to share at a party!

1. Coffee and Cream Layers:

  • Prepare the basic coffee mixture and a separate mixture with just milk and sweetener.
  • Alternate layers of coffee and milk mixtures in the molds, freezing each layer for about 30 minutes before adding the next.
    • This worked better than my attempt up above with just adding milk and chocolate to the coffee mixture.

2. Coffee and Chocolate Layers:

  • Alternate layers of coffee mixture and chocolate milk.
  • For a marble effect, gently swirl the layers with a stick before freezing.

3. Coffee and Fruit Layers:

  • Add a layer of blended fruit puree (like strawberries, raspberries, or mango) between the coffee layers.
  • This adds a fruity burst of flavor and a beautiful visual contrast.
    • First attempt resulted in things that are best not mixed with coffee, I’m still working on the right fruit puree mixture.

A Few Tips

  1. Adjust the sweetness to your liking. Remember that cold treats tend to taste less sweet, so you might want to add a bit more sugar or sweetener.
  2. Consider simply adding mix-ins like chocolate chips, crushed nuts, or even a bit of coconut flakes for added texture.
  3. For an adult twist, you can add a splash of coffee liqueur like Kahlua to the mixture.

Coffee popsicles are a fun and refreshing way to enjoy a coffee during the summer. With just the few flavor possibilities and simple ingredients I outlined, it is pretty easily to create a variety of delicious frozen treats to keep cool. After a bunch of trying things, I am remembering as a child I was told, “these are ice, they don’t travel well” when I asked about taking a popsicles in the car.

Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going. If you enjoy my work, perhaps you would consider donating to my daily cup of coffee, thank you.

Beat the Heat: Perfect Iced Coffee Tips for Summer!

It is hot here… I know if your north of the equator, it is hot there too. There is a variety drinks to cool off with, why not go a cold version of a favorite coffee drink. By the pool, at the desk, walking around the block, or taking in the shady parts of a sunny outing. I have here a mix of what I found works for my iced coffee, as well as some advice from friends to avoid walking out the door you would rather not drink.

To make the best iced coffee for the hot summer, start with choosing the right brewing method. The cold brew method involves mixing coarsely ground coffee with cold water in a ratio of one part coffee to four parts water. Steep this mixture in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours, then strain it using a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter. Using filtered water can enhance the flavor significantly. 

Alternatively, you can try the flash brew method, where you brew a strong hot coffee directly over ice. This method requires using a one-to-one ratio of hot water to ice and doubling the amount of coffee grounds. The flash brew retains more of the coffee’s aromatics and acidity compared to cold brew. For those who enjoy espresso, simply brew espresso shots and pour them over a cup of ice, then add cold water or milk to dilute to your taste. Using cold milk or milk alternatives can provide a smoother flavor.

To ensure the best flavor and refreshment in your iced coffee, start with high-quality coffee beans. Freshly roasted, light to medium roast beans are often preferred due to their brighter, more refreshing flavors. Grinding the coffee beans just before brewing can also make a significant difference. For cold brew, a coarse grind is ideal, while a medium grind works best for flash brew, and a fine grind is suitable for iced espresso. The quality of the ice you use is also important; large ice cubes or ice made from filtered water will help maintain the coffee’s flavor as it melts. If you like your coffee sweetened, opt for simple syrup, flavored syrups, or sweetened condensed milk since granulated sugar doesn’t dissolve well in cold liquids. Experimenting with different kinds of milk, such as whole, skim, almond, or oat, can help you find your preferred creaminess and flavor balance.

There are a few common pitfalls to avoid when making iced coffee. Over-dilution can occur as the ice melts, which waters down your coffee. To prevent this, consider brewing a stronger coffee concentrate or using coffee ice cubes. Bitterness is another issue, often caused by over-extraction. This can be mitigated by using the proper coffee-to-water ratio and avoiding over-steeping or brewing for too long. To keep your coffee from tasting stale, consume it within a few days if stored in the refrigerator and always keep it in an airtight container. Separation of coffee and milk or flavorings can also occur; to avoid this, stir well before drinking or use a blender to ensure consistency. Finally, avoid temperature shock by letting hot coffee cool slightly before pouring over ice, or stick to the flash brew method.

Fun item I just found… now on order for me to try over the weekend during our 100+ degree days. Java House Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate Single Serve Liquid Pods, Sumatran

Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going. If you enjoy my work, perhaps you would consider donating to my daily cup of coffee, thank you.

Revitalize Work from Home: Coffee Shop Change of Scenery Tips

Working from home can sometimes feel isolating, and a change of scenery can boost productivity and mood. Sometimes there is a need to break out of the home office routine, working from a coffee shop for a day can be an excellent solution. However, it is important to do some advance research to ensure a smooth experience. Here are a few tips I have put together from my experiences over many years of needing to keep working but recharging via a change of scenery.

Before planning your workday, check if your chosen location actually allows people to work there. In recent years, many coffee shops have changed their policies, removing tables and chairs or even covering power outlets to discourage long stays. Some establishments now explicitly prohibit laptop use or limit Wi-Fi access. Call ahead or check the shop’s website or social media pages for their current policies. Or, just look around the coffee shops you frequent. A casual chat with the staff will tell you if they frown on it or have any limits they want you to respect. This step can save you from the frustration of arriving only to find you’re not welcome to settle in for work.

Preparation is key to a successful day out. Once you’ve confirmed a suitable location, pack all your essentials, including your laptop, charger, extra cables for things like your phone, headphones, and any other tools you might need. Choose comfortable clothing that’s suitable for public spaces, and don’t forget to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Some of my coworkers take a second screen for their computer, which has always felt to me it looks like they are moving in. I usually use my iPad as a second screen if the need arises. There is a wide variety of small fold up iPad stands that travel well. I know there are really small printers, but they also have a feeling of perminance that makes people uneasy, I suggest saving to a PDF which can be marked up with tools available on most computers as well as printed when you return to your home office.

Timing your visit can make a big difference in your experience. Try to arrive during off-peak hours to secure a good spot. This might mean getting there early in the morning or after the lunch rush. Planning your visit around the coffee shop’s quieter periods can help ensure you have a more peaceful and productive environment.

Consider the ambiance and noise level as well – some people work better with a bit of background noise, while others prefer a quieter setting. You might want to scout out a few options in advance to find your ideal spot in the coffee shop.

Remember to be mindful of coffee shop etiquette. Purchase food or drinks regularly to support the business that’s providing you with a workspace. Be aware of the space you’re taking up, especially during busy hours, and use headphones for any calls or audio to avoid disturbing others.

To maximize your productivity, set clear goals for your work session before you arrive. This can help you stay focused and make the most of your time away from home. If you’re sensitive to noise, consider investing in noise-cancelling headphones. Don’t forget to take regular breaks to stretch and refresh – this can help prevent burnout and keep you energized throughout the day.

Security should always be a priority when working in public spaces. Use a VPN for any sensitive work, and be aware of your surroundings when handling confidential information. Never leave your belongings unattended, even if you’re just stepping away for a moment.

I often forget, till it is too late, pay attention to your comfort. Choose a seat with good back support if possible. Some remote workers even bring a small cushion or laptop stand to improve their ergonomics. Your physical comfort can significantly impact your productivity and overall experience.

By following these tips and doing your research in advance, you can turn your local coffee shop into a productive and enjoyable alternative workspace. This change of scenery might be just what you need to boost your motivation and creativity while still getting your work done efficiently.

Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going. If you enjoy my work, perhaps you would consider donating to my daily cup of coffee, thank you.

I’ll Take a Second Cup Now Please – Coffee Lovers Know How

As a true coffee enthusiast, I can’t help but extol the virtues and acknowledge the potential pitfalls of that glorious second cup. For me, an extra cup of coffee isn’t just about fueling my day; it’s an experience that enhances my cognitive function, sharpening my focus, memory, and reaction times. There’s something magical about the way a second cup can boost my mood. An increased release of dopamine and serotonin often leaves me a bit snappier with my humor and less worried about the little things that don’t really matter. 

Knowing that coffee is packed with antioxidants gives me a little extra motivation (read: “excuse”) to savor that second cup. These powerful compounds help combat inflammation and protect against certain diseases.

But like any indulgence, moderation is key. I’ve learned from experience that too much caffeine can sometimes lead to heightened anxiousness, leaving me feeling jittery and restless before a meeting. Coffee, as delightful as it is, can also play tricks on a digestive system by stimulating the production of stomach acid, which occasionally leads to heartburn or acid reflux. And yes, there’s the issue of caffeine dependence—regularly enjoying multiple cups can make a person’s body crave more to achieve the same energizing effects.

Understanding my own caffeine sensitivity is crucial. Each person’s tolerance varies, and I’ve found that some friends might experience adverse effects even with smaller amounts of coffee. Timing is everything; you may want to avoid that extra cup in the late afternoon or evening to keep your sleep undisturbed.

When it comes to the timing of the second cup, spacing it out appropriately after the first cup can make a difference. Allowing some time between the first and second cups can help manage caffeine intake and prevent any potential jitters. Enjoying the second cup with breakfast or a mid-morning snack can also help mitigate any stomach discomfort by providing a buffer for the stomach acid. Sipping the second cup slowly and taking the time to savor it can enhance the overall experience and make it a more mindful indulgence.

Staying hydrated is also essential since coffee, being a diuretic, can lead to dehydration if you’re not careful. Health is another factor to consider. People with certain medical conditions, like heart problems or anxiety challenges, need to be smart and thoughtful about their caffeine intake. Personally, I always strive for high-quality coffee beans. There’s a significant difference in taste and health benefits, and for me, part of the joy of a second cup lies in savoring the rich, nuanced flavors of a well-crafted brew. Which only makes it easier to grab that second cup.

Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going. If you enjoy my work, perhaps you would consider donating to my daily cup of coffee, thank you.

AI and Coffee: How Smart Technology Could Elevate Our Brew

So much news about the many updates happening to AI assistants these days. Many manufactures are jumping on board with adding some of that assistance to our daily home tools. I can image AI’s integration into coffee making is set to bring a host of possibilities. Here are some potential future developments I thought that could enhance how we enjoy our coffee. I think our coffee pots are safe from an AI going rogue and taking over our house.

Integration with Work Calendars

Imagine a coffee maker that syncs with your work calendar. On busy days with back-to-back meetings, it could brew a stronger cup to give you that extra boost of energy. Conversely, on lighter days, it could prepare a milder brew for a more relaxed start. This level of integration ensures that your coffee not only tastes great but also fits perfectly with your daily schedule.

Voice Control and Virtual Assistants

Voice control is already transforming smart home devices, and coffee makers are no exception. Future coffee makers could integrate seamlessly with virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri. You could start brewing your coffee with a simple voice command, adjust brewing parameters on the fly, or ask for recommendations based on your mood and preferences. Voice control makes the entire coffee-making process more convenient and interactive.

I can imagine going mute on a call to tell the voice assistant “start a medium strength cup of coffee” so it is ready when things wrap up.

Mood and Health Monitoring

By integrating with wearable devices and health apps, future coffee makers could monitor your mood and health metrics. If your wearable detects that you didn’t sleep well, the coffee maker could prepare a stronger brew to help you wake up. If your health app shows high stress levels, it might suggest a calming blend. This personalized approach ensures that your coffee not only tastes great but also supports your overall well-being.

Another perspective of good sleep may be that the wearable device AI tracks what helps you have a calm night sleep and warns against the things and actions that may actually harm your ability to recharge your body. It might not be coffee for everyone. If the AI sees the sleep it is tracking is impacted by a coffee within a window of time before bed, it could warn you to find another even beverage. 

Customizable Coffee Profiles

AI could allow for highly customizable coffee profiles that cater to individual preferences. These profiles could include specific settings for brewing strength, temperature, and even the type of milk or sweetener used. You could have different profiles for different times of the day, occasions, or even family members. This level of customization ensures that everyone gets their perfect cup of coffee every time.

Real-Time Feedback and Learning

Future coffee makers could provide real-time feedback on the brewing process. Using sensors and AI algorithms, they could adjust brewing parameters on the fly to ensure optimal flavor extraction. Over time, these machines could learn from your feedback, refining their brewing techniques to match your evolving taste preferences.

As I mentioned in several previous articles here, the temp and weather pressure can impact the coffee flavor so an AI learning local impacts could adjust the brewing process to assure a quality cup of coffee. No matter if it is rainy night or warm morning. 

Sustainable Brewing Practices

AI can play a significant role in promoting sustainability in coffee brewing. Future coffee makers could use AI to optimize water and energy usage, reducing waste. They could also recommend sustainable coffee beans and brewing methods, helping you make eco-friendly choices without compromising on taste.

Different choices of coffee beans could be chosen by an AI when it automatically orders beans to keep enough beans in the house. That will most likely be made easier with Amazon but if a standard was found it could be tied into many different bean roaster’s web sites.

Enhanced Social Sharing

For coffee enthusiasts who love to share their passion, AI could enable enhanced social sharing features. Imagine being able to share your custom coffee recipes with friends and family through an app. You could even join a community of coffee lovers, exchanging tips and discovering new brewing techniques. This social aspect adds a fun and engaging dimension to your coffee experience.

Not really fitting into any of my groups is if the pot of the future is tied into other parts of a house automation. When person picks up their coffee cup from the brewer in the evening, perhaps the lights dim. Or, in the morning, when the coffee cup is done brewing, the window shades open a touch to let in the morning light.

Through the many advancements in AI, the future of AI in coffee making is full of possibilities. From integrating with work calendars to providing real-time feedback and promoting sustainable practices, AI is set to revolutionize our coffee rituals. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly make our daily coffee experience more personalized, convenient, and enjoyable. The perfect cup of coffee is just a smart coffee maker away.

Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going. If you enjoy my work, perhaps you would consider donating to my daily cup of coffee, thank you.