Brew & Review: A Coffee Connoisseur’s Journal of Experiences

As a self identified coffee enthusiast, I look for ways to enhance the brewing experience and better understand what made a cup of coffee memorable, or not. In order to try and repeat an enjoyable experience, I have started to maintain a detailed coffee journal, though you may wish to go with a database. A systematic approach to recording various aspects of a coffee brewing allows me to capture a wide range of data for each cup you brew. By documenting factors such as the type of coffee beans, grind size, brewing method, water temperature, brewing time, and the coffee-to-water ratio, I am creating a comprehensive profile of each brewing session.

This is not just about tracking the technical details; it’s also about engaging more deeply with my coffee experience. Recording tasting notes, such as flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste, as well as my personal rating, helps with an understand of what works best for my palate. Additionally, noting additional ingredients like milk, syrup or sugar can impact the overall experience. Even including how I felt that day, provide insights into how external factors influence the coffee enjoyment.

If you want to try to hone in on what made a cup better than another, you may want to try logging what made up that coffee. Whether you choose a physical notebook or a digital spreadsheet, this practice helps you refine your brewing techniques, discover your preferences, and consistently recreate the coffee drinks you love the most. Here is an extensive list of the possible things to record, you may want to lessen it if you need to not take too much time making a record.

Date and Time: This helps to track your coffee consumption pattern and preferences over different times of the day or year.

Coffee Bean Type: Include the name, origin, roast level, and any other specific details about the beans.

Grind Size: Note the coarseness or fineness of the coffee grind, as this can significantly impact the flavor.

Brewing Method: Record the method used (e.g., drip, French press, espresso, pour-over, etc.), as different methods extract flavors differently.

Water Temperature: The temperature of the water can affect the extraction process.

Brewing Time: How long the coffee was brewed or steeped.

Coffee-to-Water Ratio: The amount of coffee used in relation to the amount of water.

Tasting Notes: Describe the flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste. You can be as detailed as you like here.

Personal Rating: Rate each brew based on your personal preference.

Additional Ingredients: If you add milk, sugar, syrups, or any other additives, note their types and quantities.

Overall Experience: Include any notes about the brewing process or how you felt that day, as mood can also affect taste perception.

To record these details, make it easy on yourself so you do it regularly. You can either use a physical notebook dedicated to your coffee journey, or create a digital spreadsheet or database, there are also apps for your phone to creating a database or spreadsheet. Digital tools have the advantage of being searchable and sortable, which can be helpful when you want to find patterns or repeat a particularly enjoyable brew.

Remember, the goal is to enjoy the process as much as the coffee itself, so feel free to adjust the level of detail to what feels most enjoyable and useful for you.

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Spice Up Your Cup: Exploring Mexican Coffee Traditions

When we talk about Mexican coffee, we might be referring to two distinct concepts. The first one is simply the coffee beans that are grown in Mexico. Mexico has a significant coffee industry, and it is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. The coffee-growing regions are mainly located in the South of the country, in places like Chiapas, Veracruz, and Puebla. Each region’s specific microclimate contributes to the unique flavors and characteristics of the coffee produced there. Generally, Mexican coffee beans are known for their light to medium body with mild acidity, often featuring a smooth, well-balanced taste with nutty, chocolatey, or fruity notes.

The second concept of Mexican coffee refers to a specific way of preparing coffee known as “Café de Olla”. This is a traditional beverage that has been part of Mexican culture for centuries, originating during the Mexican Revolution. It is unique not just because of its ingredients but also due to the traditional method of preparation. The coffee is brewed in an earthen clay pot, which is believed to impart a distinctive flavor to the brew. The coffee is typically prepared with cinnamon and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar), and sometimes other spices or ingredients like orange peel or anise are added. This method produces a warm, comforting brew that is much more than just coffee — it’s a rich, sweet, and spicy drink that is deeply intertwined with Mexican heritage.

Flavor Profile: Mexican coffee beans, particularly those from regions like Chiapas or Veracruz, are generally known for their light to medium body with mild acidity, often featuring nutty, chocolatey, or fruity notes. They’re typically well-balanced and smooth.

Café de Olla: This is a traditional Mexican method of preparing coffee. It’s unique because of its preparation in a clay pot, which is said to add a unique flavor to the coffee, and the addition of spices like cinnamon and piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar), which give the coffee a sweet and spicy kick.

Here’s a basic recipe for Café de Olla that you can try at home:


  • 4 cups of water
  • 3-4 tablespoons of ground coffee (preferably Mexican)
  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks
  • 3-4 ounces of piloncillo or 1/2 cup of dark brown sugar as a substitute
  • Optional: a few cloves, star anise, or orange peel


  1. Add water, cinnamon sticks, and piloncillo (or brown sugar) to a pot. Bring to a boil and then simmer until the sugar has dissolved completely.
  2. Add your ground coffee to the pot and stir.
  3. Remove the pot from heat and let the coffee steep for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the coffee through a strainer or a coffee filter to separate the grounds and the cinnamon sticks.
  5. Serve the coffee hot and enjoy!

Remember, the specific ratio of coffee, sugar, and spices can be adjusted to your personal preference. Enjoy experimenting with this unique coffee preparation!

Please note that even though the recipe suggests using a regular pot, traditionally Café de Olla is made in a clay pot, as it is believed to give the coffee a special flavor. If you have access to a clay pot and are interested in making it the traditional way, you certainly can. However, even without the clay pot, you’ll still get a deliciously unique cup of coffee.