Best Espresso drinks from Italy

Getting ready for our trip to Italy, I have been looking around for what is popular both in beans and drinks in the different areas of Italy. I am looking for what would be thought of Italian coffee versus International coffee. The skill of brewing a quality cup of coffee versus what you can add to your cup to change it to fit a mood or environment. Tough work, someone has to do it!

I actually found a magazine article that had the same interest… I’m not alone I see. Their concern was regarding what you can order in Italy that is reproducible elsewhere.

They suggested three drinks:

  • Corretto – This is the drink of choice for cold days and hardy men. It is a classic Italian espresso which is ‘corrected’ with a spirit shot. Patrons usually tell the barista what they want in their corretto, but the ever popular grappa is the barista’s default.
  • Marocchino – This drink has an unusual hue. A blend of espresso, frothed milk and cocoa powder. The espresso is made and poured in a demitasse-size glass with a metal handle. Then cocoa is sprinkled on it.
  • Caffé latte – The basis of the Latte. Unlike the British and American versions, which call for 1/3 coffee and 2/3 milk and foam, the Italian one requires 25ml espresso and enough milk to fill a 160ml glass. The milk is rigorously hot but not frothy, and is poured on the cup on top of the coffee. Caffé latte, which is essentially a foam-less cappuccino.

I would recommend you taking a look at the full article if you wish to make these at home, the author did a nice job of outlining temps and quantities for each drink to best match it to the authentic Italian served version.

They do wrap is up with a few other interesting coffee drinks served in Italian bars

Doppio—that’s simply a double espresso

Ristretto—an espresso with less water than usual

Lungo—an espresso with more water than usual

Caffé con panna—an espresso topped by whipped cream

Freddo—iced coffee made with espresso

Americano—an espresso with added hot water



Cappuccino versus Latte – the difference

Cappuccino: Equal parts of Steamed Milk and Espresso. The milk will be more bubblier in the Cappuccino and may take up a third of the drink.

Latte: Milk and Espresso, usually with more Espresso than Milk… the milk is treated like an additive so there is less of it and wont have the foam on top than the Cappuccino.

When trying to remember which is which – there are three ‘c’s in Cappuccino. Just like the parts of the drink; foam, milk and espresso. Latte is actually short of Caffe Latte (means coffee with milk in Italian)



Storage of Roasted Coffee Beans to Maximize Flavor

The thing that makes espresso unique amongst all coffee brewing methods is its use of CO2 in the extraction process. Under the conditions of temperature and pressure encountered in pulling a shot, the CO2 from the coffee dissolves in the water forming carbonic acid which lowers the pH (acidity) of the water. This in turn affects the relative solubility of the hundreds of components that reside in the coffee grounds and it changes the profile of the compounds that are extracted. As the extract starts to pour from the basket and it returns to ambient pressure, the dissolved CO2 boils off and creates that honey-like crema which lets us know that we are in the sweet spot. Not too different from popping the cork on a fine bottle of champagne!

Bob Barraza wrote much more on the subject… very enlightening on the subject of getting the biggest bang out of your beans… and pocketbook.

Coffee beans on brown background.


I Love Coffee! A book you need if your like me

My name is Gary, and I’m a coffee lover. Actually, I really enjoy Espresso drinks the most.

Pretty much everyone I know is wise to my passion for great coffee. So, when they come over to visit, they expect something more than regular or french roast. For a while I played with ingreadients, timing, grind… all with mixed results. Sadly, only the fellow coffee fan knew the difference.

Then I found the book “I Love Coffee!”. I feared it would be a story book but was pleasantly surprised to find it was a book of 100 coffee drinks that I could easily make with items I already had. The not-so-serious coffee drinking guests were very pleased. Take a look if your looking for a new twist to your coffee drink… for you or for your guests.
I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks

I Love Coffee!
I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks


Automated Home Espresso Machine

Krups has introduced an espresso machine that is fully automatic. Add your water and coffee, and it will brew a cup to your specifications. The system is controlled through a digital menu with many options. Hardware features like a water filtration system and a steam nozzle for frothing milk are included. Krups states that you only have to clean the machine once a year too!

The Automatic Espresso Machine XP7225 is small enough to keep on your counter, 12.5 inches long, 9.5 inches wide, and 14.25 inches tall. Priced at $999.99 it is way more than the mini DIY machines but is amongst the lowest priced for full power Espresso Machines.

krups FullyAutoXP7225351x351
