Velvet Brew: Unveiling the Magic of Nitro Coffee

Nitro coffee is a different take on cold brew coffee though recently I’m seeing hot coffee mentions too. Which intrigued me to research the process and what impacts people say nitro infusion has. This process starts by creating a cold brew, which involves steeping coarse coffee grounds in cold water over a period of 12 to 24 hours to produce a familiar smooth, rich concentrate. 

The key transformation happens when this concentrate is infused with the nitrogen, typically using a pressurized valve or nitrogen tank in commercial settings, though at-home brewers might use nitrogen capsules or keg systems.

Most options found online use gas cartridges, requiring a subscription. A kickstarter project that doesn’t need the cartridges is what finally pushed me to dig in a bit. OK… maybe in the excitement of researching Nitro, I found this ‘pocket’ version that is calling my name.

The serving method also plays a crucial role. Nitro coffee is dispensed through a special tap that maintains high pressure, similar to those used for stout beers. This tap forces the coffee through a restrictor plate, creating tiny nitrogen bubbles that give the coffee a creamy texture and a frothy, sort of like a Guinness head.

This nitrogen infusion process has several effects on the coffee. It changes the beverage’s texture to a silky, smooth mouthfeel, distinct from both regular coffee and traditional cold brew. The tiny nitrogen bubbles create a less acidic drink with a smoother taste, often perceived as sweeter and less bitter, despite the absence of added sugars or sweeteners. 

The visual aspect of nitro coffee is also notable, with a cascading effect of nitrogen bubbles as the coffee settles, adding to its appeal. The inherent creaminess and reduced acidity mean many people say they enjoy nitro coffee without any additional dairy or sweeteners.

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Matcha Latte vs. Coffee: Caffeine Content Compared

People talking about Matcha Latte… and with my default thinking that a Latte is a Coffee, I had to do a bit of research.

A matcha latte is a beverage made with matcha, which is a finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves. Unlike coffee-based lattes, a matcha latte does not contain coffee. However, it does contain caffeine. The caffeine content in matcha can vary depending on its quality and preparation, but typically, a serving of matcha contains roughly 30-70 mg of caffeine. In contrast, an average 8-ounce (240-milliliter) cup of brewed coffee contains approximately 95 mg of caffeine, though this can vary widely based on factors like bean type and brewing time. Therefore, while a matcha latte generally has less caffeine than a cup of coffee, it still provides a moderate caffeine boost.

You can make a matcha latte at home. Here’s a simple recipe:


  1. 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder (adjust based on your preference).
  2. 2 tablespoons of hot water (not boiling, ideally around 175°F or 80°C).
  3. 1 cup of milk (any type: cow’s milk, almond, soy, oat, etc.).
  4. Sweetener of choice (like honey, sugar, or agave), optional.


  1. Sift the matcha powder into a bowl to prevent clumps.
  2. Add the hot water to the matcha. Whisk vigorously using a bamboo whisk or a small regular whisk until the matcha is fully dissolved and the mixture becomes frothy.
  3. Warm your milk on the stove or using a milk frother. If using a frother, you can froth the milk until it’s foamy.
  4. Pour the matcha mixture into a cup.
  5. Slowly add the warmed or frothed milk to the cup.
  6. Sweeten to taste if desired.

Enjoy your homemade matcha latte, let me know if you’re going to have a Matcha sometimes or it will impact your coffee drinking habit.

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Mastering Your Brew: 12 Nespresso Tips for Coffee Lovers

Do we make a drip cup of coffee or are we in a rush to a meeting so we turn to the Nespresso machine. The Nespresso machines are designed to be convenient and consistent, but there are still several factors that can influence the taste and quality of the coffee. Here are some tips we found to help to improve the quality of a cup of coffee using a Nespresso machine

Water Quality: Water is the primary component in a cup of coffee, so its quality is crucial. While many might overlook this element, the water you use can significantly influence your coffee’s taste. Minerals and impurities in ordinary tap water can lend unwanted flavors to your brew. Using filtered or bottled water can help in eliminating these inconsistencies and ensuring a cleaner taste in your coffee.

Water Temperature: While Nespresso machines are engineered to heat water to the optimal temperature quickly, patience is key. Ensure the machine is fully heated before brewing. Waiting an extra minute or so after the machine indicates it’s ready can make a difference in extracting the best flavors from the coffee capsule.

Fresh Capsules: Coffee, even when sealed within a capsule, is susceptible to degradation over time. Freshness matters. Always aim to use your capsules reasonably soon after purchasing. As time passes, the aromatic compounds in coffee can dissipate, leading to a less vibrant cup.

Storage: How you store your coffee capsules can influence their quality. Exposure to direct sunlight or high temperatures can hasten the degradation of the coffee inside. Always store your capsules in a cool, dark place to ensure they remain at their best.

Clean Your Machine Regularly: Like any machine that sees regular use, your Nespresso will accumulate residues over time. Coffee oils can build up, leading to off-flavors in your brew. Regularly descale and clean your machine using the recommended descaling kits from Nespresso. This maintenance not only ensures a great-tasting coffee but also extends the life of your machine.

Choose the Right Capsule: Nespresso’s wide range of capsules offers varying intensities and flavor profiles. This diversity means there’s a perfect cup for everyone. But it also necessitates some exploration on your part. Don’t just settle for the first capsule you try. Experiment with different types until you find the flavor profile that resonates with your palate.

Customize Brew Strength: One of the joys of a Nespresso machine is the ability to customize your brew. Some models offer both espresso and lungo settings. If you prefer a milder coffee, try the lungo setting for a longer, more diluted shot. Conversely, for a richer experience, stick with the espresso setting.

Pre-wetting: This might sound like an extra step, but it’s worth the few seconds. Before brewing your coffee, run a shot of hot water through the machine. This not only preheats your cup but also ensures that old coffee grounds aren’t lingering in the spout, which can spoil the taste of your fresh brew.

Use the Right Cup: Your choice of cup can influence the drinking experience. For espresso shots, smaller cups work best. They help maintain the brew’s temperature and concentrate its aroma. For larger beverages, opt for a more substantial mug to accommodate the volume.

Add-ons: If black coffee isn’t your style, consider enhancing your Nespresso experience with some quality add-ons. Milk can transform your brew, and a good milk frother, like Nespresso’s Aeroccino, can produce barista-quality frothed milk at home. The type and freshness of the milk you choose also play a role, so pick wisely.

Tweak to Your Liking: Coffee is a deeply personal experience, and what’s perfect for one person might be far from it for another. Whether it’s adjusting the water amount, experimenting with different milk ratios, or adding sweeteners, don’t be afraid to customize. Your ideal cup is one that suits your tastes, not someone else’s.

Recycle the Capsules: With great coffee comes some responsibility. Nespresso capsules are made of aluminum and are recyclable. Nespresso offers dedicated recycling programs, allowing you to drop off used capsules at collection points or mail them back in prepaid envelopes. Doing so ensures that your coffee habit has a reduced environmental footprint.

We have a couple cups we know make a better cup of coffee with the Nespresso next to the machine, as well, we don’t take the machine lightly. All of the items we covered above helps the rushed cup of coffee still an enjoyable experience.

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Unlocking the Garden Potential with Used Coffee Grounds

I have been challenged with a little dirt mountain builder in our yard for a few week. I would like the little tunneler to move on rather than do it harm. While looking for natural solutions, I remembered that coffee grounds are liked by many creatures less than we do as a morning drink. Using used coffee grounds in the garden and yard can be beneficial in several ways, though it’s important to use them correctly to maximize their advantages and avoid potential pitfalls. Here’s how you can use coffee grounds and what they can do, apologies in advance, I got started typing and this grew:

Benefits of Used Coffee Grounds:

Soil Amendment: Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, making them a good addition to compost bins. As they break down, they release nitrogen, which is a critical nutrient for plant growth.

Improved Soil Structure: When added to the soil, coffee grounds can help improve its structure by increasing drainage, water retention, and aeration.

Worm Attractant: Worms love coffee grounds. Adding them to your garden soil or compost bin can attract more worms, which help to aerate the soil and break down organic matter more quickly.

Natural Pest Deterrent: Used coffee grounds can deter certain pests. Sprinkling grounds around plants may help to keep away ants, snails, and slugs.

Fungal Diseases Suppressant: Some studies have shown that coffee grounds can help suppress fungal diseases in the garden, though more research is needed to confirm these findings.

How to Use Coffee Grounds in the Garden:

In the Compost Bin:

  • Why? Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which is a primary component necessary for decomposing organic matter in a compost pile.
  • How to Use: Add your used coffee grounds to your compost bin. Remember, compost requires a balanced diet to break down efficiently. Coffee grounds are considered a “green” or nitrogen-rich component. For every part of coffee grounds you add, ensure you add an equal or greater portion of “browns” (carbon-rich materials) such as dried leaves, twigs, or cardboard. This will ensure efficient decomposition and prevent the compost from becoming too wet or smelly.
  • Tip: Rinse your coffee grounds if you’re storing them for a while before adding them to the compost bin. This will help prevent mold formation.

As a Mulch:

  • Why? Mulching helps retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weeds. Coffee grounds can serve as an organic mulch option.
  • How to Use: Spread a layer of used coffee grounds around the base of your plants, but ensure it’s no more than half an inch thick. A layer thicker than this can become compacted and create a barrier, preventing water from penetrating. To improve its efficiency as mulch, mix the coffee grounds with other organic mulch materials, such as straw, bark, or leaves.
  • Tip: Occasionally aerate or fluff up the coffee ground mulch layer to ensure it doesn’t compact too much and allows for proper water penetration.

Direct Soil Amendment:

  • Why? Coffee grounds can enhance the structure and nutrient content of garden soil.
  • How to Use: Before planting, mix used coffee grounds into the top few inches of your soil. This will introduce organic matter and slowly release nutrients as the grounds decompose.
  • Tip: It’s a good practice to mix coffee grounds with other organic materials, like compost or well-rotted manure, to offer a balanced nutrient boost to the soil.

Worm Bin:

  • Why? Vermicomposting, or worm composting, uses worms to break down organic waste into high-quality compost known as worm castings.
  • How to Use: Introduce used coffee grounds into your worm bin. The worms will feed on the grounds and produce worm castings, which are rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
  • Tip: Don’t overload the bin with coffee grounds. Ensure it’s just a part of the worms’ diet, mixed with other organic materials.

Natural Pest Deterrent:

  • Why? Certain pests are repelled by the scent and texture of coffee grounds.
  • How to Use: To deter pests such as ants, slugs, and snails, sprinkle used coffee grounds around the base of plants that are being affected or around the perimeter of garden beds.
  • Tip: Refresh the coffee grounds periodically, especially after heavy rains, to maintain their deterrent effect.


Acidity: Coffee grounds are often said to be acidic, but the acidity can be largely removed in the brewing process, making used grounds closer to neutral. However, if you’re concerned about the acidity, it’s best to add them to a compost pile rather than directly to the soil, as the composting process will help neutralize pH.

Overuse: Like any soil amendment, moderation is key. Too many coffee grounds can compact and create a barrier in the soil, preventing moisture and air from getting through.

Allelopathic Properties: There’s some debate over whether coffee grounds can inhibit the growth of certain plants due to their allelopathic properties. To be safe, especially if you’re new to using coffee grounds, you might want to start by testing them on a small area or adding them to your compost rather than directly to the garden.

Caffeine: There’s some evidence to suggest that the residual caffeine in coffee grounds can inhibit the growth of nearby plants, so it’s something to be aware of if you’re applying them in large quantities.

Avoid Attracting Pests: While coffee grounds can deter some pests, if they’re not fully used or if they start molding, they can attract others. Make sure the grounds are used (i.e., they’ve had water run through them) and dry them out if you plan to store them for a while before use.

Used coffee grounds can be a valuable addition to the garden, but like any other tool or amendment, they should be used wisely and in moderation.

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Adding Coffee to your list of ingredients for great tasting dishes

People often use coffee in their recipes because it can add unique flavors and complexity to a dish. Here are a few reasons why coffee is a popular ingredient in many recipes:

Flavor: Coffee has a rich, complex flavor that can add depth and dimension to both sweet and savory dishes. The bitterness and roasted notes of coffee can complement and enhance the flavors of chocolate, caramel, and other rich ingredients.

Caffeine: For many people, caffeine is an essential part of their daily routine. By adding coffee to a recipe, they can enjoy the energizing effects of caffeine in a different form.

Moisture: Coffee can also add moisture to baked goods, helping to keep them tender and moist. This is especially true in recipes like chocolate cake or brownies, where the coffee can replace some or all of the liquid in the recipe.

Aroma: The aroma of coffee is also highly valued in many recipes, as it can add a rich, warm scent to a dish. This can be especially true in recipes like stews or chili, where the coffee can help to balance and round out the flavors of other ingredients.

Health benefits: In addition to its flavor and aroma, coffee also has a number of potential health benefits, including antioxidant properties and a potential link to reduced risk of certain diseases. Adding coffee to a recipe can be a simple way to incorporate these potential health benefits into your diet.

Overall, coffee is a versatile and popular ingredient that can add unique flavors and complexity to a wide variety of dishes. From baked goods to marinades, coffee can help to enhance the flavors, textures, and overall enjoyment of a recipe. Here are 5 recipes that incorporate coffee as an ingredient:

Coffee-Rubbed Steak: Rub a steak with a mixture of coffee grounds, brown sugar, chili powder, and other spices, then grill or pan-sear for a flavorful and unique twist on classic steak.

Espresso Martini: Combine vodka, coffee liqueur, and a shot of espresso in a shaker with ice, then shake and strain into a glass for a caffeinated twist on a classic cocktail.

Coffee-Rubbed Pork Tenderloin: Rub a pork tenderloin with a mixture of coffee grounds, smoked paprika, garlic powder, and other spices, then roast or grill for a flavorful and tender main dish.

Coffee Chocolate Chip Cookies: Add brewed coffee or instant coffee granules to your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe for a rich and decadent treat that’s perfect for coffee lovers.

Mocha Popsicles: Mix together brewed coffee, chocolate syrup, and milk or cream, then pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for a refreshing and creamy summer treat.

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