Getting ready for our trip to Italy, I have been looking around for what is popular both in beans and drinks in the different areas of Italy. I am looking for what would be thought of Italian coffee versus International coffee. The skill of brewing a quality cup of coffee versus what you can add to your cup to change it to fit a mood or environment. Tough work, someone has to do it!
I actually found a magazine article that had the same interest… I’m not alone I see. Their concern was regarding what you can order in Italy that is reproducible elsewhere.
They suggested three drinks:
- Corretto – This is the drink of choice for cold days and hardy men. It is a classic Italian espresso which is ‘corrected’ with a spirit shot. Patrons usually tell the barista what they want in their corretto, but the ever popular grappa is the barista’s default.
- Marocchino – This drink has an unusual hue. A blend of espresso, frothed milk and cocoa powder. The espresso is made and poured in a demitasse-size glass with a metal handle. Then cocoa is sprinkled on it.
- Caffé latte – The basis of the Latte. Unlike the British and American versions, which call for 1/3 coffee and 2/3 milk and foam, the Italian one requires 25ml espresso and enough milk to fill a 160ml glass. The milk is rigorously hot but not frothy, and is poured on the cup on top of the coffee. Caffé latte, which is essentially a foam-less cappuccino.
I would recommend you taking a look at the full article if you wish to make these at home, the author did a nice job of outlining temps and quantities for each drink to best match it to the authentic Italian served version.
They do wrap is up with a few other interesting coffee drinks served in Italian bars
Doppio—that’s simply a double espresso
Ristretto—an espresso with less water than usual
Lungo—an espresso with more water than usual
Caffé con panna—an espresso topped by whipped cream
Freddo—iced coffee made with espresso
Americano—an espresso with added hot water