A email alerted me to check out a espresso maker being shown at the Gulfood 2010, Dubai International Convention. The opening blurb from the convention post states what I was to find:
Coffee Planet LLC the region’s leading provider of automated self-serve espresso systems has launched the Concordia “Integrated Beverage System 6+” (IBS6+) – the fastest commercial espresso system available on the market.
I’m sure if your a coffee fan like me, your first reaction was… how could could a coffee possibly be if it is being processed so fast?!
If you believe the press info, Coffee Planet has it all figured out. They use fresh ground beans to produce the shots. They state that a important part of the process is the unique way they heat and foam the milk. The company president mentions that the machine was 5 years in the creation so they have created a system that offers fast espresso drinks, even at a lower noise level than other options.
Has automation finally hit the level of our favorite barista manual fine tuning? Personally, I’ll wait to try a few drinks Coffee Planet produces before I make a strong statement. Who knows…
For more info on Coffee Planet, Hotelier Middle East did a nice interview that I found enlightening for folks not in the area that Coffee Planet serves.