Surprising Uses of Coffee Beans Beyond A Morning Coffee

For many of us, coffee is a necessary part of our daily routine. It’s the fuel to get us started in the morning or provide us with the boost we need to stay focused throughout the day. However, did you know that coffee beans can be used for more than just your morning cup of coffee? In this blog post, we will explore some surprising ways coffee beans can be used beyond your daily brew.

Exfoliating Scrub: Coffee grounds make an excellent exfoliating ingredient for your skin. The caffeine in coffee has been known to reduce the appearance of cellulite and tighten the skin. Mix used coffee grounds with coconut oil and sugar for an all-natural exfoliant that will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.

Natural Air Freshener: If you’re looking for a natural way to freshen up your home, coffee beans can help. Place a small bowl of coffee beans in any room you’d like to freshen up. The coffee beans will absorb any unwanted odors and leave your space smelling coffee-fresh.

Meat Tenderizer: Coffee contains natural enzymes that help break down the muscle fibers in meat, making it more tender. Use coffee grounds as a seasoning rub on your meats before cooking or mix them into a marinade for an extra flavor boost.

Gardening: Coffee grounds can be used to fertilize your plants as they contain nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Simply sprinkle used coffee grounds around the base of your plants or mix them into the soil for a nutrient-rich addition to your garden.

DIY Home Décor: Coffee beans can be used in a variety of DIY home décor projects. Glue coffee beans to a picture frame, candle holder, or vase for a rustic and unique touch. You can also use them to create a customized coffee-filled jar for your kitchen or to create a coffee-scented candle.

As you can see, coffee beans are more versatile than we might have thought. From skin care to home décor, there are many surprising ways to use coffee beans beyond the standard cup of coffee. Next time you finish brewing your morning cup, consider saving the used coffee grounds to try out some of these surprising uses. You might just be surprised at how useful they can be!

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Perhaps you should reconsider putting a lid on your coffee

For all the coffee aficionados out there, coffee is more than just a beverage. It is a ritual, a day-starter, a comfort booster, and, sometimes, also an art. So, it’s no surprise that small details like whether or not to put a lid on the coffee cup make a big difference to such people. One question that has puzzled coffee drinkers for a long time is, “Does putting a lid on my coffee cup change the taste of the coffee inside?” In this blog, we aim to make things clear once and for all.

The simple answer to this question is “Yes, putting a lid on your coffee cup can change the taste of your coffee.” However, the degree of impact depends on various factors, such as the lid’s material and air-tightness, the coffee temperature, and the coffee type. If you’re using a plastic or foam lid, it may impart a slight chemical taste to the coffee. On the other hand, metal or ceramic lids that fit tightly may not alter the taste much. In fact, lids can sometimes help maintain the coffee’s aroma by trapping the fragrant oils inside.

It is essential to understand that the coffee aroma and taste profile largely come from volatile compounds released by the coffee beans. When the coffee sits exposed to air, the volatile compounds escape, and the coffee flavor and aroma start to change. Therefore, it is understandable to wonder whether putting a lid on your coffee cup traps these compounds and affects the coffee’s taste.

The temperature of the coffee and the type of coffee blend can also impact the taste. For instance, if your coffee is too hot, putting a lid on the cup may cause the coffee to further heat up, altering the flavor. Similarly, lighter roasts that are fruity or acidic may lose their distinct flavors if covered. Hence, it’s best to let the coffee cool down a bit before adding a lid, and know the characteristics of the blend you’re drinking.

Moreover, the way you perceive the taste of coffee can influence the answer to our question. Scientifically speaking, lids can affect the aroma, texture, and taste of coffee, but research has shown that people may not detect the changes immediately. If you believe that coffee tastes better when drunk from an open cup vs. a closed one, you may not like the flavor as much if you use a lid. It’s a matter of personal preference and perception.

Another relevant consideration is the purpose of the lid. If you’re getting your coffee to-go and don’t want it to spill or cool down, a well-secured lid can make all the difference. In such cases, a lid can prevent the coffee from absorbing unpleasant odors from the environment or get contaminated by external elements like dust, etc.

So, does putting a lid on your coffee cup change the taste of the coffee inside? The answer is yes, it does, but the actual change in taste, aroma, etc., depends on multiple factors. It’s a subjective matter, and each person’s perception of taste may differ. Therefore, if you want to savor your coffee to the fullest, you should be mindful of the type of lid you use, the coffee’s temperature and blend, and, most importantly, your own preference. Enjoy!

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The Perfect Temperature for Your Morning Cup of Coffee

Coffee lovers all around the world have different preferences when it comes to how they like their coffee. Some prefer it hot, while others like it cold. But have you ever stopped and wondered, what temperature should different coffee drinks be drunk at? Not many people know the answer, but this is an essential aspect for the best coffee experience possible.

In this post, we will discuss the perfect temperature for each coffee drink and why you should be mindful of it. This will help you understand why a cup of coffee brewed at a specific temperature will affect the flavor and taste, helping you to make the most of your daily caffeine fix.

First, let’s talk about cold brew coffee. Many coffee lovers prefer the less bitter and less acidic taste of cold-brewed coffee, perfect for a hot summer day. The perfect serving temperature for cold brew coffee is between 35-40°F (1.6-4.4°C). You can serve it with ice cubes, but it’s essential not to add too many, or it may dilute and compromise the flavor.

Next on the list is iced coffee, which can become your new favorite coffee drink, especially in the summertime. The serving temperature for iced coffee should be between 50-60°F(10-15°C). A popular method to make it is to allow the hot coffee to cool down, then pour it over ice. It can be easily customized with cream, sugar, or any other add-ins you prefer.

For a classic cup of coffee, drip coffee is a favorite for many people. The optimal temperature for drip coffee should be between 200-205°F (93-96°C). At this temperature, the hot water extracts flavor from the coffee grounds, producing a rich and bold flavor with a balanced sweetness level.

If you prefer to drink espresso, the perfect serving temperature should be between 155-175°F (68-80° C). To achieve this temperature, lots of coffee shops use a fancy machine that can steam the milk and serve the espresso shot at the same time. Espresso is perfect to drink on its own or use as a base for other drinks like lattes, cappuccinos, and Americanos.

Lastly, we have the classic latte, a creamy and frothy coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. For the perfect temperature, it should be around 155-165°F (68-74°C). If the temperature is too high, the milk proteins will break down, resulting in a less smooth and less frothy texture.

The ideal temperature for every coffee drink depends on its brewing method and composition. The temperature affects the flavor, texture, sweetness, and balance of each drink, making it essential for coffee shops and enthusiasts to pay attention to the temperature. Whether your preference is a hot drip coffee or a fancy latte, you now have the key to brewing and serving it perfectly. So get brewing, and enjoy a well-made cup of coffee.

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How to Get Rid of Coffee Breath For a Date

Are you a coffee lover who loves to enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out for a date? While coffee might be a go-to life savior that keeps us awake and pumped up, it’s no secret that its after-taste can be quite a mood killer. Coffee breath is an unfortunate side effect that takes no prisoners. Luckily, we’re here to help you get rid of it before your date even notices. In this informative article, we’ll provide the best tips and tricks to eliminate that pesky coffee breath, ensuring your breath is fresh and date-ready.

Hydration is key:

One of the primary causes of coffee breath is dehydration. When your mouth is dry, odor-causing bacteria tend to proliferate, and this can get worse after a coffee break. Make sure to drink water periodically throughout the day, focusing on hydration before and after your coffee. Sipping on water during your date is also a good idea to keep your mouth fresh and odor-free.

Mints and gum to the rescue:

The classic solution to any bad breath problem, mints or sugar-free gum, can be your saving grace when it comes to coffee breath. Chewing on gum increases saliva production, helping to wash away odor-causing bacteria. Opt for mint-flavored gum, as the strong mint taste can help mask any lingering coffee scent. Keep some in your bag or pocket and pop one in after you’ve had your coffee to maintain fresh breath.

Don’t forget the tongue:

While brushing your teeth before your date is a standard practice, it’s also vital to include your tongue in your oral hygiene routine. The textured surface of the tongue is a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. Invest in a tongue scraper, or use your toothbrush to clean the surface of your tongue gently. Doing this regularly will significantly help you keep bad breath at bay.

Parsley and other herbal warriors:

Did you know some fresh herbs have incredible breath-freshening properties? Parsley, for instance, is rich in chlorophyll, a natural breath freshener. An excellent tip for your next date is to chew on a sprig of parsley, mint, or basil after your coffee. This will not only neutralize the odor but also leave your mouth with a pleasant herbal scent.

Carry a travel-size oral care kit:

A small oral care kit can be a lifesaver when you’re out on a date. It doesn’t have to be anything bulky or extensive. Store a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and possibly some floss in a small pouch, and you’ll be well-prepared for any breath emergencies. Brushing your teeth post-coffee is an excellent habit to ensure you maintain fresh breath throughout your date.

Coffee breath doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker for your dating adventures. By following these simple yet effective tips and maintaining proper oral hygiene, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy your favorite beverage without fear. Whether you’re a coffee aficionado or an occasional indulger, having fresh breath is essential for a successful date experience. So hydrate, brush, and be ready with some mints or gum to confidently tackle coffee breath before your date even notices.

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Don’t Be Afraid of a Vintage Percolator – Great Coffee Ahead

Are you looking for an old-school way to make a perfect cup of coffee? If so, look no further than the vintage percolator. The percolator has been around since the 19th century and is used to brew fresh, delicious coffee. Many times you will see them on a camp fire next to a camper trailer in 40s – 60s family photos. It’s easy to use and can be found in many antique stores or online auction sites like eBay or Etsy. Here’s how you can make the perfect cup of coffee with a vintage percolator. 

Step 1 – Grind Your Coffee Beans 

The first step is to grind your coffee beans. Make sure you don’t grind them too fine, as this will make the brewing process take longer and your resulting drink won’t have as much flavor as it could. It’s best to use medium-coarse grounds for optimal results. Once you have your grounds ready, add them into the top insert chamber of your percolator and then fill the pot with cold water (there is usually a fill to line or cut in the percolator).  

Step 2 – Place on Stovetop & Heat 

Next, place your full percolator onto a stovetop (later models but still vintage had built heating elements that plugged in directly without needing to use the stove) set at medium heat and let it sit until the water starts boiling. This should take about 10 minutes or so depending on how much water is in the pot. As soon as it begins boiling, turn down the heat just enough that it continues boiling without overflowing out of the pot.  

Step 3 – Let It Perc  

At this point, you’ll need to let your pot “perc” – that is, allow steam from the boiling water to pass up through the coffee grounds in order to create that rich flavor we all know and love. This step should take about 5 minutes or so until all of the water has been filtered through the grounds and into your cup below.  

Step 4 – Enjoy Your Delicious Coffee  

Once all of your liquid has been filtered through, carefully remove your pot from the heat source and allow it to cool for a few minutes before pouring yourself a cup. You now have some delicious homemade coffee that was made using an old-fashioned percolator method. Enjoy. 

Making coffee with a vintage percolator might seem intimidating at first but it’s actually quite simple once you get used to it. All it takes is some freshly ground beans; cold water; some patience while waiting for it to boil; and lastly, letting it perc until all of that delicious flavor seeps out into your cup below. So next time you’re looking for an old-school way to make some amazing tasting coffee – try using a vintage percolator.
