The Perfect Coffee to Enjoy While Binge-Watching Netflix 

Nothing beats cuddling up on the couch with a cozy blanket and a good show. But the experience can be taken to the next level with the addition of a hot cup of coffee. The right kind of coffee can make or break your movie marathon, so why not find one that complements your viewing experience?

Dark Roast Coffee Is Your Best Bet for Binge-Watching 

When it comes to choosing a type of coffee for your Netflix session, you want something dark and smooth—and preferably something with lower acidity levels. A rich dark roast is perfect for this situation because it has less acidity than lighter roasts, and its bold flavor won’t overpower the movie or show you’re watching. This makes it ideal for sipping slowly over an extended period. It also pairs well with just about any food you choose to snack on during your binge-watch session. Think savory treats like chips, pretzels, popcorn, and even pizza. 

Espresso Is Also Good for Movie Marathons 

If you’d rather go with espresso over drip coffee, there are some great options available too. Espresso has a much more intense flavor profile than drip coffee, so it’s perfect if you prefer a bolder taste in your cup. Plus, espresso is known for having higher caffeine content than regular drip coffee —so if you need an extra energy boost while watching movies or shows late into the night, espresso is definitely worth considering. It also pairs well with sweet snacks such as cookies or cake if those are more your style. 

Cold Brew Is the Way To Go During Summertime Streaming Sessions 

Finally, cold brew is great if you plan on streaming during warmer months. Not only does cold brew have lower acidity levels than other types of coffee beverages (which makes it easier on sensitive stomachs), but its bold flavor profile adds an extra kick that will help keep you alert and focused as you watch your favorite shows and movies. Cold brew also pairs nicely with fruit-based snacks like apples or strawberries if that’s what you prefer over traditional junk food snacks. 

With so many different types of coffees available these days—from light roasts to dark roasts—it can be hard to choose which one is best suited for long Netflix sessions. But by taking into consideration factors like acid levels and flavor profiles (as well as pairing potential.), it should be easy enough to figure out which type of coffee works best for your needs when binge-watching movies and shows online. So grab a comfy blanket, pop some popcorn (or whatever snack tickles your fancy.), get ready to hit “play” ––and don’t forget the fresh cup of coffee.

There are a lot of options for making popcorn on movie binge nights/days. There is actually an option if want to microwave popcorn but not be forced to use the kernels proved by the bag manufacture. Use your preferred corns and pop in the microwave quickly, even with butter, using one of micro pop poppers (variety of manufactures). Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


A Guide to Understanding Coffee Lingo 

If you’ve ever ordered a cup of coffee from your favorite cafe, you may have noticed that there are many different names for the same type of beverage. Yesterday, we covered what the differences are between a cappuccino and a macchiato. What about an americano or a latte? In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of coffee drinks and what makes them unique. 

Cappuccino vs Macchiato 

Though these two types of coffee drinks are often confused for each other, they do have some distinct differences. The main difference is that cappuccinos contain more foam than macchiatos. A cappuccino typically contains equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam while a macchiato contains less foam and more espresso than a cappuccino. Another difference is that cappuccinos have a sweeter flavor due to the addition of steamed milk while macchiatos have a stronger espresso taste. 

Americano vs Latte 

The main difference between an americano and a latte is the amount of milk used in each drink. An americano is made with one shot of espresso and then hot water is added to create a larger cup with less intensity in flavor. On the other hand, lattes use two shots of espresso and are made with more steamed milk than an americano so it has less caffeine but also more sweetness due to the extra milk used in its creation. 

Mocha vs Frappe 

A mocha and frappe are both cold coffee drinks but they differ in ingredients. A mocha is typically made with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder along with espresso, steamed milk, whipped cream, and topped off with chocolate shavings (optional). On the other hand, frappes are blended beverages made with ice cubes, flavored syrups such as vanilla or caramel, sweeteners like sugar or syrup, some sort of creamer like half & half or non-dairy creamer; then finished off with whipped cream on top (optional). 

Whether you’re just starting out trying different types of coffee drinks or you’re already an expert barista, understanding the lingo associated with different types of coffees can help you order exactly what you want when visiting your local cafe. From cappuccinos to macchiatos to mochas to frappes – now you know all about them. So next time you’re at your favorite cafe ordering up something delicious take this guide into consideration.

Of course, this post just scratches the surface of the many types of coffees. A fun way to remember is this poster to visually see the drinks and their make up. I’m still looking for a pocket version. Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


I Love Coffee! A book you need if your like me

My name is Gary, and I’m a coffee lover. Actually, I really enjoy Espresso drinks the most.

Pretty much everyone I know is wise to my passion for great coffee. So, when they come over to visit, they expect something more than regular or french roast. For a while I played with ingreadients, timing, grind… all with mixed results. Sadly, only the fellow coffee fan knew the difference.

Then I found the book “I Love Coffee!”. I feared it would be a story book but was pleasantly surprised to find it was a book of 100 coffee drinks that I could easily make with items I already had. The not-so-serious coffee drinking guests were very pleased. Take a look if your looking for a new twist to your coffee drink… for you or for your guests.
I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks

I Love Coffee!
I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks
