Café Play: 3 Coffee Games to Brew a Connection & Fun

In an era where screens and individual devices often dominate our social interactions, playing a game together at a coffee shop presents a refreshing opportunity to connect, engage, and enjoy each other’s company in a meaningful way. Coffee shops, with their warm ambiance and aromatic delights, offer a perfect setting to unwind and foster deeper connections. Engaging in a light-hearted game not only enhances the enjoyment of your favorite brew but also rekindles the joy of conversation, laughter, and shared experience. Whether it’s a first date, a catch-up with an old friend, or quality time with a loved one, these coffee-themed games invite you to set aside your phone, stir your creativity, and indulge in the simple pleasure of being present with one another. So next time you find yourself at a café, consider exploring these games, and watch how they transform an ordinary coffee break into an extraordinary memory.

–Coffee Clues–

Objective: Describe different coffee types or café items without saying the name.


  1. Prepare the Words: Prepare a list of coffee-related words in advance, or use a coffee-themed app or website to generate words.
  2. Set a Timer: Player A has 60 seconds to describe the word without saying it, using clues related to the taste, preparation method, or appearance.
  3. Guess the Word: Player B attempts to guess the word based on the clues.
  4. Switch Roles: Players switch roles and repeat the process.
  5. Scoring: Correct guesses earn a point. Total the scores at the end of a predetermined number of rounds.
  6. Winning: The player with the most points at the end wins.

Variations: You can modify the difficulty by limiting the types of clues that can be used, or by introducing more specific categories like coffee-producing countries or famous cafés.

–Coffee Canvas–

Objective: Create doodles or sketches that represent different coffee terms or objects.


  1. Prepare Drawing Tools: Bring paper, pens, or a drawing app if playing virtually.
  2. Pick a Word: Player A picks a coffee-related word from a pre-made list or at random.
  3. Draw the Word: Player A has 30 seconds to draw the word without using any letters, numbers, or verbal clues.
  4. Guess the Drawing: Player B tries to guess the word based on the drawing.
  5. Switch Roles: Players switch roles and repeat the process.
  6. Scoring: Correct guesses earn a point. Total the scores at the end of a predetermined number of rounds.
  7. Winning: The player with the most points at the end wins.

Variations: You can add thematic challenges, such as drawing with the non-dominant hand, or add a rule where other café-goers can participate in guessing.

–Coffee Quest–

Objective: Spot different items or behaviors within the café.


  1. Prepare the List: Create or print a bingo-style card with a list of common things to see in a café, including objects, people’s behaviors, or café décor.
  2. Set a Timer: Players have 3 minutes to quietly observe the café and mark off as many items on the list as they can find.
  3. Spotting Items: Use creativity in spotting items; for example, “someone drinking an espresso” could count if you see a small coffee cup.
  4. Scoring: Each spotted item earns a point. Total the scores at the end of the round.
  5. Winning: The player who spots the most items, or completes a row/column if using a bingo-style card, wins.

Variations: The game can be customized for different café environments or played as a continuous game over several café visits, tallying scores over time.

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The Controversy of the Flat White Silky Coffee

There’s always been a certain rivalry between Australia and New Zealand, even when it comes to the origin of the controversial, silky coffee drink known as the flat white. Both countries claim to have created this fine brew, and while we might not be able to settle that debate, we can certainly delve into the rich history of this beloved beverage.

The Birth of the Flat White

The flat white’s history is a bit hazy, with both Australia and New Zealand claiming it as their invention. The term first appeared in Australia around the mid-1980s. The story goes that Alan Preston moved from Sydney to Queensland in 1985 and started a coffee shop named Moors Espresso Bar. Preston claims he invented the term “flat white” as a way to simplify the coffee menu. He wanted a term that would encapsulate the idea of a milky coffee without the froth and foam associated with a cappuccino.

On the other hand, New Zealand’s claim lies with Fraser McInnes, a barista at a well-known Wellington coffee shop named DKD Cafe. In 1989, McInnes claims he inadvertently created the flat white when the milk for a cappino failed to froth correctly. He served the drink anyway, and it became popular as a new style of coffee.

What Makes a Flat White?

A flat white is essentially an espresso-based coffee drink that contains a similar amount of coffee but less milk than a latte, and less foam than a cappuccino. A flat white is typically served in a smaller ceramic cup and features a higher ratio of coffee to milk, allowing the espresso’s flavor to shine through.

The secret of a great flat white lies in the steaming of the milk. The milk is steamed to create microfoam, which is velvety and smooth, creating a rich, creamy texture when poured over the espresso. The result is a beautifully balanced coffee drink where the espresso and milk complement each other rather than one overwhelming the other.

The Rise of the Flat White

The flat white remained a Down Under secret for many years, with only the most discerning international coffee lovers knowing of its existence. That began to change in the 2000s, as Antipodean coffee culture started spreading worldwide, especially in the UK and the USA.

The flat white started gaining recognition internationally in the late 2000s and early 2010s when big-name coffee chains began introducing it to their menus. In 2010, Starbucks started selling the flat white in their Australian stores before launching it in the USA and UK in 2015. This boosted the flat white’s popularity, and it soon became a staple on coffee menus worldwide.

The Legacy of the Flat White

Today, the flat white is a globally recognized coffee beverage. It’s the pride of Antipodean coffee culture and a testament to the influence of Australian and New Zealand coffee techniques worldwide.

In the end, whether the flat white was born in Australia or New Zealand might not matter as much as what it represents: a commitment to quality, an appreciation for balance, and a love for coffee that transcends borders. This creamy, smooth coffee drink has become a gift to coffee lovers around the world, and for that, we have our friends in the Southern Hemisphere to thank.

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Your Favorite Coffee Cafe is More Than Just Coffee

When people visit a coffee cafe, they engage in a wide variety of activities that allow them to relax, socialize, or focus on their work. One popular use of a coffee cafe is as a remote workspace, where individuals can access the internet and concentrate on their tasks in a cozy environment, enjoying more than just the coffee. Many freelancers, students, and employees working from home find this setting to be an ideal alternative to a traditional office.

In addition to working remotely, coffee cafes are frequently used as meeting spots for friends and family. The comfortable atmosphere and array of beverage and snack options make it an ideal location for people to catch up, share stories, or simply enjoy each other’s company. Many cafes even offer board games or host events like trivia nights and open mic sessions, creating a sense of community and fun.

Creativity often thrives in the relaxed setting of a coffee cafe. Writers, artists, and other creative individuals are known to frequent these spaces to find inspiration or focus on their projects. Jotting down ideas, sketching, or even composing music can be done with ease, as the gentle background noise provides a sense of ambiance that can help stimulate the imagination.

Coffee cafes are also an excellent place for students to study or work on assignments. They can spread out their textbooks, laptops, and notes on the tables, while sipping on a beverage to stay alert and focused. The change of scenery from a school library or dorm room can be beneficial for concentration and productivity.

Networking and professional meetings. Coffee cafes provide a casual and neutral setting for business meetings, job interviews, or networking events. The relaxed atmosphere can put people at ease and facilitate more open and engaging conversations. Small groups may gather to discuss projects or collaborate on ideas, while individuals might use the opportunity to meet with potential clients or mentors over a cup of coffee

Learning and personal growth. Coffee cafes often host workshops, seminars, or informal classes on a variety of topics. These might include language conversation clubs, book clubs, writing groups, or even workshops on barista skills. Participating in these activities enables people to learn new skills, engage in stimulating discussions, and connect with others who share similar interests. The welcoming environment of a coffee cafe makes it an ideal place for personal growth and expanding one’s social circle.

Lastly, many people visit coffee cafes simply to unwind and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. They might read a book, listen to a podcast, or watch the world go by from a window seat. The calming atmosphere and aroma of freshly brewed coffee make these establishments a go-to destination for those seeking a quiet moment of respite in the midst of a busy day.

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