I was reminded recently that not ‘everything’ is best done from a Web page. Sometimes, the personal touch of a human interaction can get you further. For myself, and perhaps readers of this blog, there are many options to get training in making a better espresso or coffee drink. No one is complaining about my current creations but you can always learn a new trick or more info behind the ‘why’ of a process.
Classes and tools can be great for someone just looking into pulling their own drinks at home. Get a espresso machine for Christmas?
I have added a new page (link in the right column or Click here to jump) to show many offerings for classes. They can be for getting better at home to folks looking to start a new Espresso Spot and want their Baristas trained. There are options to have training at your location, at a school, on a DVD and even for your iPhone. Take a look if your ever thinking about fine turning your skills.