A Look at the Most Successful Coffee Campaign

While your favorite morning brew is working its magic, there have been numerous coffee campaigns fighting for the attention of coffee enthusiasts like you. It’s not surprising that coffee companies plot elaborate, engaging campaigns to capture the public’s attention, as consumers’ tastes and preferences evolve. But which coffee campaign can be considered the most successful? In this post, we’ll explore the perfect blend of innovation, emotion, and creativity in marketing, taking a close look at a campaign that has truly woken up the coffee world. So, grab your cup of coffee and let’s dive in.

Back in 1982, the coffee industry was facing a rough patch. Consumption was stagnating, and coffee growing nations were struggling. In an effort to rescue the market, a group of coffee exporting countries approached the Brazilian marketing professional, Francisco Alberto Madia de Souza, to create an international coffee campaign. The result would be the beloved “The Coffee Break” campaign, which went on to become one of the most successful coffee campaigns of all time.

Launched by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) with a budget of around $15 million, “The Coffee Break” campaign aimed to change the way the world viewed coffee by taking advantage of its primary benefit – providing a break or a ritual that boosts energy and brings people together. The campaign featured classic images of people in different settings worldwide, enjoying coffee and socializing during their break time. By promoting coffee as a break-time beverage, the campaign unlocked a whole new world of possibilities in terms of consumption habits.

Apart from the captivating visuals, “The Coffee Break” campaign leveraged the power of music to make it memorable. The Brazilian composer and singer, Vinicius Cantuaria, created and sang the iconic jingle that happened to be as catchy as it was soothing. The song played a crucial role in establishing an emotional connection between the audience and coffee, while also turning them into mini-ambassadors for the product as they sang the tune along.

“The Coffee Break” campaign ran for four years across several channels. From captivating TV commercials and radio spots to print advertisements and merchandising, the campaign reached audiences in several countries. As a result, it boosted coffee consumption by a staggering 20% globally. The campaign also played a role in orchestrating an increase in the price of green coffee beans by a whopping 105% for the next several years, helping coffee-producing nations recover from their previous difficulties.

The impact of “The Coffee Break” campaign went beyond increasing coffee consumption, too; it forever changed the cultural and social dynamics around the beverage. By positioning coffee as the break-time ritual that everyone should partake in, the campaign marked the beginning of the global coffee culture we know today. It’s safe to say that the rise of coffeehouses and the surge in specialty coffee products owe a lot to this transformative campaign.

A successful campaign transcends sales figures and customer acquisition – it revolutionizes perception and behavior. “The Coffee Break” campaign epitomizes this, as it not only stimulated coffee consumption but also left a lasting influence on our relationship with the beverage. It is a testimony to the power of strategic thinking, emotional connections, and stellar execution in advertising. As a coffee enthusiast, the next time you grab your cup of coffee during your break, take a moment to appreciate the ever-lasting impact of “The Coffee Break” campaign on the cup in hand – because this is where it all began.


Don’t Be Afraid of a Vintage Percolator – Great Coffee Ahead

Are you looking for an old-school way to make a perfect cup of coffee? If so, look no further than the vintage percolator. The percolator has been around since the 19th century and is used to brew fresh, delicious coffee. Many times you will see them on a camp fire next to a camper trailer in 40s – 60s family photos. It’s easy to use and can be found in many antique stores or online auction sites like eBay or Etsy. Here’s how you can make the perfect cup of coffee with a vintage percolator. 

Step 1 – Grind Your Coffee Beans 

The first step is to grind your coffee beans. Make sure you don’t grind them too fine, as this will make the brewing process take longer and your resulting drink won’t have as much flavor as it could. It’s best to use medium-coarse grounds for optimal results. Once you have your grounds ready, add them into the top insert chamber of your percolator and then fill the pot with cold water (there is usually a fill to line or cut in the percolator).  

Step 2 – Place on Stovetop & Heat 

Next, place your full percolator onto a stovetop (later models but still vintage had built heating elements that plugged in directly without needing to use the stove) set at medium heat and let it sit until the water starts boiling. This should take about 10 minutes or so depending on how much water is in the pot. As soon as it begins boiling, turn down the heat just enough that it continues boiling without overflowing out of the pot.  

Step 3 – Let It Perc  

At this point, you’ll need to let your pot “perc” – that is, allow steam from the boiling water to pass up through the coffee grounds in order to create that rich flavor we all know and love. This step should take about 5 minutes or so until all of the water has been filtered through the grounds and into your cup below.  

Step 4 – Enjoy Your Delicious Coffee  

Once all of your liquid has been filtered through, carefully remove your pot from the heat source and allow it to cool for a few minutes before pouring yourself a cup. You now have some delicious homemade coffee that was made using an old-fashioned percolator method. Enjoy. 

Making coffee with a vintage percolator might seem intimidating at first but it’s actually quite simple once you get used to it. All it takes is some freshly ground beans; cold water; some patience while waiting for it to boil; and lastly, letting it perc until all of that delicious flavor seeps out into your cup below. So next time you’re looking for an old-school way to make some amazing tasting coffee – try using a vintage percolator.


The Great Caffeine Debate: Light vs. Dark Roast Coffee

For coffee lovers everywhere, there is nothing quite like that first cup of coffee in the morning. But did you know that the type of coffee you drink can actually make a difference in how much caffeine you’re getting? That’s right, light and dark roast coffee beans have different caffeine levels. So which one should you choose if you’re looking for a little extra pep in your step? Let’s take a closer look.

Light Roast Coffee Beans

Light roast coffee beans are roasted for a shorter period of time than dark roast beans. This results in a lighter colored bean with a milder flavor. Because they are roasted for less time, light roast beans actually have more caffeine than their dark roast counterparts. So if you’re looking for an extra energy boost in the morning, light roast coffee is the way to go.

Dark Roast Coffee Beans

Dark roast coffee beans are roasted for a longer period of time than light roast beans. This results in a darker colored bean with a bolder flavor. While they may not have as much caffeine as light roast beans, dark roast beans make up for it with their rich flavor profile. So if you’re looking for a robust cup of coffee with plenty of depth, dark roast is the way to go.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide which type of coffee bean is right for you. If you’re looking for a little extra energy in the morning, go for light roast. If you’re looking for a rich and flavorful cup of coffee, go for dark roast. And if you can’t decide, why not try both and see which one you like best? After all, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a cup of both light and dark roast coffee every once in awhile.

All this talk of beans, don’t forget you can grind your own so you can play with the grind and deepness of the bean to find the flavor and wake up power that suites your needs. Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


The coffees to drink when the rain just won’t stop

It has been seriously raining for the last couple months. I thought I should look into what others suggested as a coffee for rainy says. I know rainy days can be cozy and comforting, but they can also be a bit dreary. Here’s a look at some of the best coffee drinks to sip and savor when the weather outside isn’t so nice. 

Mocha Latte 

If you’re looking for a sweet escape from the rain, nothing quite hits the spot like a mocha latte. This indulgent java drink is made with espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup. Plus, you can top it off with fluffy whipped cream and chocolate shavings for an extra decadent treat that’s sure to put a smile on your face. 

Cold Brew 

While most people think of hot coffee when they think of rainy days, cold brew is becoming more popular by the day. This chilled beverage is made by steeping coarsely ground beans in cold water overnight or longer. The result is an incredibly smooth blend that has low acidity and subtle notes of fruit or chocolate without any bitterness. It’s sure to give you an energizing jolt just when you need it most!  

Espresso Con Panna (a new one for me)

If hot drinks are more your style, try an espresso con panna on a gloomy day. This creamy Italian favorite is made with two shots of espresso topped with freshly whipped cream—the perfect pick-me-up when the skies outside are grey. To make this classic coffee drink even better, add a sprinkle of ground cinnamon or nutmeg on top for an extra special touch that’s sure to brighten up your day.  

No matter what type of coffee you prefer—hot or cold—there’s something delicious out there waiting for you on a rainy day. From creamy mocha lattes to bold espressos con panna, there’s no shortage of options if you’re looking to add some flavor and warmth into your life. So don’t let the rain get you down; just grab your favorite mug and brew up something special that will transform any gloomy afternoon into one filled with joy.

Here is a fun mug to remind you that you’re safe inside so take the time to enjoy what you love.  Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, some will result in my getting a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


ChatGPT sees a future of AI impacting your favorite coffee

Everyone is talking about ChatGPT. It is being used to write work emails, give suggestions for recipes, and chat about the weather. So, I thought I would ask what it sees AI will do to help us improve our path to an enjoyable cup of coffee.

AI can potentially help you make a better cup of coffee in several ways. Here are a few examples:

Smart coffee makers: There are already coffee makers on the market that use AI to optimize the brewing process. These machines can adjust the water temperature, brewing time, and other variables based on the type of coffee you’re making, the roast level, and even the ambient humidity.

Personalized recommendations: AI-powered coffee apps can analyze your taste preferences and recommend specific blends or brewing methods that you might enjoy. Some apps can even use machine learning to refine their recommendations over time based on your feedback.

Quality control: AI can be used to detect flaws in coffee beans or brewing equipment that could be affecting the quality of your coffee. For example, sensors could be used to measure the temperature, pressure, and other variables during the brewing process to ensure that everything is working properly.

Predictive maintenance: If you have a high-end coffee maker, AI can help you keep it in top condition by predicting when it might need maintenance or replacement parts. This can help you avoid downtime or expensive repairs in the future.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we make and enjoy coffee, by making it more personalized, consistent, and delicious.

That was what ChatGPT said… it actually does make sense as being helpful. I have wondered if an AI would do a good job at coffee recommendations based on how my day is going, weather, etc… we will see.
