The desire for this site is to be the search for a great cup of coffee or espresso, with comments along the way on the latest news. But, I am getting a lot of emails about Caffeine and if I knew anything about the quantity of Caffeine in different drinks. This sort of heads down the path of why we drink espresso… for the taste or the buzz. For me, it’s all about the taste.
There are many articles available online about what Caffeine really is, it’s chemical make up and where it comes from. The Slate had some interesting throughs on it being why we will pay more for a great cup of coffee. I wont get into any in depth research quoting here. The folks at the Center for Science in the Public Interest listed Caffeine as a highly used food additive item some folks should avoid. More important from the CSPINET group is their research on a nice long list of currently available drinks and their Caffeine content. It covers the Coffees, Teas, Soft Drinks and even chocolates you will know broken down for quick reference. A few off the top:
Coffee, generic brewed 8 oz. Serving 133 (range: 102-200) (16 oz. = 266) Caffeine (mg)
Starbucks Brewed Coffee (Grande) 16 oz. Serving 320 Caffeine (mg)
Dunkin’ Donuts regular coffee 16 oz. 206 Caffeine (mg)
Einstein Bros. regular coffee 16 oz. Serving 300 Caffeine (mg)
Mountain Dew, regular or diet 12 oz. Serving 54 (20 oz. = 90) Caffeine (mg)
Pepsi One 12 oz. Serving 54 (20 oz. = 90) Caffeine (mg)
Mello Yellow 12 oz. Serving 53 Caffeine (mg)
Hope you find this helpful… now let’s get back to that perfect Espresso search!