How to Store Coffee Beans for Optimal Freshness

If you’re a coffee lover, then you know the importance of finding and storing quality coffee beans. Good coffee beans can make or break your cup of coffee, and if you want to ensure that your coffee tastes great every time, it’s important to learn how to store them correctly. Let’s explore the best ways to store coffee beans so that they always maintain their flavor and freshness. 

Storing in an Airtight Container 

The most important consideration when it comes to storing your coffee beans is ensuring that they are kept in an airtight container. The presence of oxygen can make your beans stale very quickly, so if you want them to stay fresh for as long as possible, it’s essential that you store them in a sealed container where no oxygen can reach them. Mason jars or zip-lock bags work well for this purpose; just make sure they are tightly sealed so no air can get in. 

Temperature Control 

In addition to sealing your beans away from oxygen, it’s also important to make sure they aren’t subjected to extreme temperatures. Ideally, you should keep your beans at room temperature; if exposed to cold temperatures for too long, the oils inside the bean could become solidified, ruining their flavor and aroma. On the other hand, keeping them at high temperatures for too long will cause them to go stale much faster than usual. So keep them at a consistent temperature between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit (or 15-21 degrees Celsius) and they should stay good for weeks or even months. 

Light Exposure 

Another factor that can affect the longevity of your beans is light exposure. If stored in direct sunlight or any other intense light source, the flavor and aroma of the coffee will degrade quickly due to oxidation caused by UV rays. To avoid this problem altogether, store your beans in a dark place like a kitchen cupboard or pantry shelf—they should be safe there from both temperature fluctuations and light exposure.  

Storing coffee beans correctly is essential if you want your cup of coffee to taste its best every time. Make sure you seal them away from oxygen in an airtight container and keep them at room temperature away from any direct light sources—these steps will ensure that your beans remain flavorful and aromatic for weeks or even months. With these tips in mind, anyone can enjoy delicious cups of freshly brewed coffee whenever they please.

I have a variety of containers that I tried over the years. For constantly used beans, I use an air tight clear plastic since I’m not concerned about light. For beans I use for an occasional special treat coffee, I use a container like the Mueller Coffee Canister Stainless Steel Container for Coffee Beans. Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


Exploring the History and Evolution of Espresso 

Espresso is one of the most popular drinks in the world. People from all walks of life, from soccer moms to businessmen, enjoy a cup or two of espresso each day. But what many people don’t know is that espresso has an interesting history filled with twists and turns. So let’s take a look at the timeline of how this beloved drink came to be. 

The Start of It All: The Invention of the Espresso Machine 

Espresso was invented in 1884 by Angelo Moriondo, an Italian who received a patent for his invention—a steam-driven “instantaneous” coffee-brewing machine. The machine created a concentrated form of coffee that was quickly enjoyed by locals in Turin, Italy where it was first introduced. While this machine ushered in a new era for coffee drinkers, it wasn’t until 1901 when Luigi Bezzera made significant improvements to the original design and patented improvements to the original design that resulted in what we know as espresso today. 

The Rise and Popularization of Espresso Machines             

In 1903 Desidero Pavoni purchased Bezzera’s patent and founded La Pavoni—a company devoted exclusively to manufacturing espresso machines for commercial use. This helped propel espresso into the global spotlight as it began appearing in cafes around Europe and beyond. La Pavoni’s first machines were lever machines which had to be manually operated by pulling down on a lever connected to a piston inside the boiler which forced hot water through ground coffee at high pressure producing an extract similar to what we now recognize as espresso. 

The Technological Advancements That Led To Modern Day Espresso Machines 

In 1961 Achille Gaggia perfected the use of spring-piston driven machines, replacing previous lever designs with pistons powered by springs instead—a feature still used today in most home and semi-professional machines today. In 1974 Faema released their E61 model which incorporated several features still used on modern day commercial machines including simultaneous steaming and brewing capabilities which allowed baristas to pull shots faster than ever before while also heating milk simultaneously for cappuccinos, lattes etc… This marked another milestone in both home and commercial espresso production as these features are found on virtually all modern day fully automatic commercial machines today.  

As you can see, over time there have been numerous technological advancements that have led us to modern day espresso production—something that so many people rely on daily for their morning pick me up. From its humble beginnings in 1884 to its current state today, espresso has come a long way and continues to evolve every year with new technology coming out all the time. Whether you love your daily shot or just enjoy sipping on an occasional latte, there is no denying that without these advancements throughout history we would not be able to enjoy our favorite coffees drinks today.  For more information about how your favorite beverage came about be sure check out our other blog posts here at [company name]. Thanks for reading.

Oh, there are so many options for an espresso machine at home. We have a super basic, everything being on the user and we have a fully automated machine. Here is one that is half way between, De’Longhi Stilosa Manual Espresso Machine, Latte & Cappuccino Maker, Milk Frother Steam Wand (15 Bar Pump Pressure). Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


Back to the grind, get it right for the coffee you like

If you’re a coffee lover, chances are you’ve heard the term “grinding” thrown around when talking about the process of making coffee. But what does grinding actually mean in the context of coffee. And why is it so important for making a great cup of coffee. Read on to find out all there is to know about how different types of grinding can affect your coffee-drinking experience. 

Grinding Basics

The definition of grinding, as it relates to coffee, is the process of breaking down coffee beans into smaller particles before they can be brewed. The size and shape of these particles affects the rate at which the water passes through them and extracts flavor compounds from the beans. It’s important to note that not all grinds are created equal; each type has its own characteristics that will affect your cup of coffee differently. 

Coarse Grind 

A coarse grind is just what it sounds like—the beans are ground into large pieces, almost like course sea salt. Coarsely-ground beans are ideal for making cold brew because they absorb water slower than more finely-ground beans. Brewing cold brew requires steeped grounds for at least 12 hours (sometimes up to 24!) in room temperature or chilled water; if the grounds were too fine, the resulting drink would be way too strong and overpowering. 

Medium Grind 

A medium grind falls somewhere between coarse and fine. It’s still fairly chunky, but not as large as a coarse grind. Medium-ground beans are best used for French press coffees because they allow more oils and aromas to pass through while still providing enough structure to keep them from ending up in the bottom of your cup! That said, medium grinds aren’t ideal for drip machines because they don’t provide enough structure for a consistent extraction process; the water will flow through too quickly and you won’t get the full flavor profile from the grounds. 

 Fine Grind

A fine grind is much smaller than either a coarse or medium grind—think powdered sugar or table salt consistency! This type of grind is great for espresso machines because it provides enough surface area for optimal extraction in such a short amount of time (espresso shots take about 30 seconds!). However, fineness also means that these grounds will extract faster than coarser ones—which can lead to over-extraction and an overly bitter drink if not done correctly.

Turkish Grind 

The Turkish grind is one of the finest available—it’s almost powdery! Turkish grinds should only be used when brewing Turkish coffee because any other method simply won’t work with such tiny particles (they would just pass right through filter paper). Brewing with Turkish-ground beans results in an incredibly strong cup with lots of body due to its high surface area and minimal contact time with water. 

No matter what type of brewing method you prefer, understanding how different types of grinding affect your coffee or espresso can help you make a better cup every single time. Different sizes produce different flavors, so experimenting with different settings may yield some interesting results—just don’t forget to filter those coarser grounds out! Knowing how to properly adjust your grinder for each brewing method is an essential skill for any coffee enthusiast, so get out there and start experimenting.

There is cheap and there are ‘better’ grinders. Here is an option on the affordable side that will let you get a grind on the beans you need for the type of coffee you’re making today. Of course, there are super precise options too. Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


Be Focused Before Opening a Coffee Shop

Aspiring entrepreneurs often dream of opening their own coffee shop. But having your own coffee business isn’t as easy as it may seem. If you’re considering opening a coffee shop, there are several things you should take into consideration before jumping in with both feet. Let’s explore what you will need to know before taking the plunge.

Financing and Location
The two most important factors for any business are financing and location, and these are especially true for those looking to open a coffee shop. It is essential that you have enough money saved up or access to funding to get your business off the ground. That means covering expenses like rent, equipment, supplies, furniture, and staff costs. Once you know how much money you have available, it’s time to start scouting out locations. The right location can make or break your business so it is important that you invest time into finding the perfect spot for your shop. Consider things like foot traffic, competition in the area, parking availability and accessibility of public transportation when selecting a space.

Menu and Supplies
Your menu will be the foundation of your business so spend some time researching what types of products customers are interested in buying from cafes near you as well as what other shops in the area are offering. Also consider investing in quality ingredients as this will ensure that all of your beverages taste great every single time – happy customers mean more sales! Additionally, make sure that you purchase all the necessary supplies such as cups and lids (if needed), utensils, napkins and condiments ahead of time so that once your shop opens its doors everything is ready to go.

Opening a coffee shop can be an exciting venture but it requires careful planning and research beforehand. From securing adequate financing to selecting the right location and menu items, there are many elements that must be taken into account before launching your business. Taking these steps now can help ensure that your shop will be successful once it opens its doors for business! With proper planning and dedication, there’s no reason why you can’t have a thriving cafe

While the title has the text “Idiots Guide” in it, these guides never turn me off since they generally have pretty good tips and gotchas to watch out for – Starting and Running a Restaurant (Idiot’s Guides). Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


Coffee: How Climate Change is Impacting Production

Coffee is one of the world’s most beloved beverages. It’s consumed by millions of people every day and has been for centuries. As climate change continues to worsen, however, coffee production is at risk due to rising temperatures, drought, and other extreme weather events. Let’s take a look at how climate change is impacting coffee production around the world.

Rising Temperatures
Coffee plants are very sensitive to temperature changes. The optimal temperature range for coffee growth is between 64°F and 77°F (18°C and 25°C). If temperatures rise above this range, the plants will suffer from heat stress which can lead to reduced yields and quality. This means that coffee farms in warmer climates—where temperatures often rise above 80°F (27°C)—are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Drought & Water Stress
In addition to rising temperatures, increased drought conditions in some areas are also having a negative impact on coffee production. Without adequate rainfall or irrigation, coffee plants are unable to absorb enough water from their environment, resulting in poor yields and quality. In some cases, these conditions can be so severe that farmers have no choice but to abandon their crops entirely.

Pests & Diseases
Warm temperatures combined with high humidity can create an ideal environment for insect pests and plant diseases such as leaf rust. These pests and diseases can wreak havoc on a crop in a short amount of time if left unchecked, leading to poor yields and quality as well as financial losses for farmers. Additionally, higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere may also contribute to an increase in pest activity which could further damage crops over time.

Climate change is having an undeniable effect on coffee production around the world—from rising temperatures that cause heat stress in crops, to increased drought conditions that limit water availability, all the way down to pests and diseases that destroy yields overnight. As climate change continues to worsen over time, it’s likely that we’ll see an even greater impact on global coffee production going forward. For those who are passionate about their daily cup of Joe (or two), now more than ever it’s important to support sustainable farming practices whenever possible so that future generations can continue enjoying this beloved beverage for years to come.
