How to Make Delicious Coffee at Home 

There’s nothing quite like a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The aroma, the flavor, and the warmth can perk you up in an instant. But why settle for subpar coffee from your regular morning routine when you can make something truly delicious at home? With just a few simple steps, you can brew the perfect cup of coffee that is sure to please all your senses. 

Choose Your Beans Wisely 

The first step to making excellent coffee is selecting the right beans. Arabica beans are generally considered to be best because they have a sweet, nutty flavor and are low in acidity. When buying whole beans, make sure they look clean and uniform in size and color. You want to avoid any beans that are dull or discolored as this could affect the taste of your coffee. If possible, buy organic beans since these will have fewer pesticides than non-organic ones. 

Grind Just Before Brewing 

Once you’ve chosen your beans, it’s time to grind them into grounds for brewing. Grinding releases essential oils from the beans which add flavor and aroma to your cup of coffee. As such, it is best to grind your beans just before brewing so that these oils don’t evaporate over time. Depending on the type of brewer you use, there may be different settings for grinding levels so make sure you adjust it accordingly for optimal results. 

Use Quality Filtered Water 

Another key component for making great coffee is using high-quality filtered water like Brita or Pur filtered water instead of tap water which may contain impurities that can affect both taste and smell of your brew. Also try not to use too much or too little water during brewing; measuring out how much water you need will help give you consistent results each time while also ensuring that all grounds are properly saturated with water allowing their flavors to infuse into the final product.  

Making delicious coffee at home doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating; all it takes is choosing quality ingredients, grinding fresh grounds just before brewing, and using quality filtered water during the process. Keep in mind that even small adjustments such as varying grind levels or adding different additives (like sugar or spices) can drastically change the flavor profile of your brew so experiment until you find what works best for you. With these tips on hand, now you can easily enjoy a perfectly brewed cup of joe every single morning without leaving your house.

While there are fancy attachments for the water faucet to filter water, I use the basic Brita that filters water and stores in the fridge. We just have to remember the last person to use it for their coffee, needs to put more water in it and not put it back empty. Ha! Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


A Look Into the Wonderful World of Flavored Creams in Coffee 

Have you ever been to a coffee shop and noticed that there are different types of flavored creams? These flavored creams can be a great way to add some extra flavor and sweetness to your favorite cup of coffee. Whether you’re looking for something new or just want to learn more about these interesting additions, here is a short overview of the world of flavored creamers in coffee.  

The Different Types of Creamers 

There are several different types of creamers used in coffee. The most common type is half-and-half, which is essentially equal parts cream and milk. This type of creamer is perfect for adding a subtle richness and creamy texture to your coffee. Other popular options include heavy cream, light cream, or fat-free creamers; these varieties offer different levels of sweetness and density depending on the amount of fat content in each product. 

Benefits of Adding Creams 

Adding creams can enhance the flavor of your coffee without adding sugar or artificial sweeteners. It also provides an extra creamy texture that many people love. Additionally, if you’re trying to reduce your sugar intake, adding a flavored cream instead is a great way to get sweetness without the calories or added sugar.  Flavorful creamers also provide a way to experiment with different flavors without having to buy pre-made syrups or powders which often contain added preservatives and chemicals. For those who prefer natural ingredients this is an ideal option. 

Flavored Creams 

In addition to these basic creamer types, there are also many flavors available on the market today. Some common flavors include hazelnut, almond, French vanilla, coconut, mocha, caramel macchiato, and Irish crème. These flavored creamers offer an easy way to add some additional flavor and sweetness without needing to purchase additional ingredients. They are also a great way to enjoy all your favorite coffee drinks without having to worry about added calories or sugar content. 

How To Use Flavoring Creams In Your Coffee 

When it comes time to use your flavored creamer in your favorite cup of coffee, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First off, make sure you choose a creamer that complements the flavor profile of your particular blend; if you’re using strong dark roast beans with hints of chocolate and nuts then an almond or hazelnut creamer might work best. Secondly, try not to overdo it because too much flavoring can overpower the flavor profile that was intended with your blend so start out with small amounts until you find what works best for you. Lastly, make sure that whatever kind of flavored creamer you choose doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial sweeteners; those can take away from the natural flavor notes that were meant for you taste buds.  

While many people may think that plain black coffee is all they need when it comes time for their morning cup of coffee – adding just one tablespoon (or two.) Of flavored cream could really bring out some amazing flavors in your favorite blends. Whether it be hazelnut or French Vanilla – remember that there are plenty of delicious options out there when it comes time for adding some flavor into your cup. So why not give it a try this morning? You might be surprised at how delicious those little additions can be.

Here are is a variety pack of little single use creamers to try till you find what you like and are handy to take with you when drinking coffee out… like if you’re back in the office. Please note that if you purchase from clicking on the link, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this site going.


Become a Coffee Connoisseur in 8 Simple Steps

It’s no secret that coffee has become an integral part of the average person’s day. Whether you are a daily coffee drinker or just an occasional one, understanding how to taste and evaluate different coffees can help you find the perfect cup for your tastes. With these eight steps, you’ll be able to taste and evaluate coffee like a pro.

  1. Start with freshly roasted beans – Freshly roasted beans make all the difference when it comes to tasting and evaluating coffee. Make sure you start with beans that have been roasted within the past week or two. The fresher the better!
  2. Grind your own – Grinding your own beans is key when it comes to getting the most flavor out of your coffee. Invest in a good quality burr grinder so that you can adjust the grind size according to your preference. This will also ensure that each cup you make has consistent flavor and body.
  3. Choose the right brewing method – Different brewing methods will produce different results, so make sure you choose a method that best suits your personal preference and desired experience. French press, pour over, or cold brew? The choice is yours!
  4. Take note of aroma – Aroma is one of the most important aspects of tasting and evaluating coffee because it sets up expectations for what’s to come in terms of flavor, acidity, and body. Take note of any aromas present before tasting; this will give you an idea of what flavors to expect when sipping on your cup of joe!
  5. Sip slowly – Don’t rush through sipping your coffee – take small sips as this will allow time for flavors to develop on your palate and for subtle notes to present themselves more clearly than if you were gulping it down quickly without paying attention to what’s going on in your mouth!
  6. Assess acidity levels – Acidity levels are important when it comes to evaluating coffee because they affect how balanced and pleasant a cup can be overall . Pay attention to any tartness or sourness in order to get an idea as to whether or not there is too much acidity in the blend!
  7. Evaluate body & mouthfeel – The body and mouthfeel are two components that help determine how full-flavored a cup is and how smooth or rough it might feel on your tongue (think light & smooth vs heavy & gritty). Pay attention to both elements as they can tell you quite a bit about how successful a roast was in terms of balance!
  8. Evaluate finish & aftertaste – The finish is essentially where all flavors from previous steps come together into one cohesive package; with this step, take note of whether or not sweetness lingers on the palate after drinking or if there’s any bitterness left behind which could indicate over-roasting/under-extraction issues!

Becoming an expert taster takes practice but with these tips, anyone can learn how taste and evaluate coffee like a pro. By starting with fresh beans, grinding them yourself, choosing the right brew method, taking notes on aroma, sipping slowly and assessing acidity levels, evaluating body & mouthfeel, and assessing finish & aftertaste; each sip taken should become more enjoyable as knowledge increases about what makes up great quality espresso. And remember–practice makes perfect. So don’t get discouraged if it takes some time before becoming comfortable enough with tasting techniques–it’s all worth it for delicious cups every time


T-Shirt of the Coffee Lovers

I have nothing to do with the person who created this shirt… I just saw it and had to have one. Then it hit me, you may want one too. So rather than everyone stopping to ask me on the street where I got it, here is the creator’s site.

The design is simple, like my cup of morning coffee. Simple, but strong in statement and with a clear delivery that has an impact on the day going forward.

It’s Always Coffee Time

From the designer:


The lettering and cup design are printed using discharge inks, dark gray and clear respectively. The discharge ink essentially re-dyes the shirt to creating the image. With this method, you don’t have the familiar thickness of Plastisol prints where the ink sits on top of the shirt fabric. After an initial wash, you won’t even be able to feel the design at all. This results in nothing but pleasantly wearable softness.


All my favorite shirts are tagless, so I make sure the ones I produce are tagless as well. Instead of standard tags, the neck tag design is printed directly on the fabric using the same discharge ink. Comfort comes first.
